Registration Open for Bioc2024 July 24-26

Package Reviewers

This page is in recognition to members of the community who have volunteered to assist with the review of newly submitted packages to Bioconductor. Anyone from the community that has a package in Bioconductor may volunteer. More detailed information on Expectations of Reviewers

We also encourage communication and conversation on any package review from the community in addition to assigned reviewers: Packages Under Review. All package reviews are publicly accessible, therefore any feedback and interactions on submitted packages must abide by the Bioconductor Code of Conduct

Package Reviewers

Oliver Crook
Helena Crowell
Laurent Gatto
Peter Hickey
Kayla Interdonato
Jianhong Ou
Hervé Pagès
Marcel Ramos
Dario Strbenac
Luke Zappia

Current Package Review Administrators

Vince Carey *
Lori (Shepherd) Kern *
BiocReviewer sticker

Past Package Reviewers

  • Nils Eling
  • Martin Morgan
  • Nitesh Turaga