Registration Open for Bioc2024 July 24-26

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Brazillian Cancer Epigenomics Workshop 2014

Rebeirão Preto, Brazil

2014-08-24 ~ 2014-08-26


  • Benilton Carvahlo
  • Vincent Carey
  • Simon Coetzee
  • Dennis Hazelett
  • Martin Morgan


Brazilian 2014 Cancer Epigenomics Workshop is an international forum of world renowned scientists in the area of cancer epigenomics and bioinformatics. In collaboration with the 60th Society of Brazilian Genetics Congress and the Latin American Bioconductor Foundation, we have put together a series of talks and hands-on training. The workshop will include high-level science talks plus a short course on bioinformatics using open source statistical tool - R and Bioconductor to analyze large-scale biological data. Bioconductor is a community driven platform, devoted to providing resources (via packages) for molecular biologist, computational biologist and bioinformatician interested in using R to analyze big bio-data, such as microarray and next-generation sequencing.



  • html Rpres Introduction to R (slides), Martin Morgan
  • pdf R Rnw Introduction to Bioconductor for Epigneomics, Martin Morgan
  • html R Rmd Introduction to Bioconductor for Sequence Analysis, Martin Morgan

  • Additional material (not presented)

    • html R Rmd Sequence data represenations in Bioconductor, Martin Morgan
    • pdf R Rnw Counting reads for RNA-seq in Bioconductor, Martin Morgan
    • html Rpres Introduction to working with methylation arrays (slides), Martin Morgan
    • html R Rmd A short methylation analysis using minfi, Martin Morgan


  • pdf Introduction to RNA-Seq data analysis, Benilton Carvalho


  • pdf eQTL analysis – an approach with Bioconductor, Vincent Carey