Registration Open for Bioc2024 July 24-26

Practical DNA Microarray Analysis

Heidelberg and Berlin 2003

Axel Benner1, Benedikt Brors2, Anja von Heydebreck3, Wolfgang Huber4, Ulrich Mansmann5, Florian Markowetz3, Jörg Rahnenführer6, Rainer Spang3

1 German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Central Unit Biostatistics;
2 German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Dep. Intelligent Bioinformatics Systems;
3 Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Dep. Computational Molecular Biology;
4 German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Dep. Molecular Genome Analysis;
5 Univ. of Heidelberg, Institute for Medical Biometry;
6 Max-Plack-Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken.


09.00-10.30 First analysis steps Wolfgang Huber
11.00-12.30 Differential gene expression Anja von Heydebreck
13.30-14.30 First steps in R Florian Markowetz
14.45-17.00 Exercises: Exploring cDNA data Wolfgang Huber
09.00-10.30 Exploratory data analysis Jörg Rahnenführer
10.30-12.00 Annotation Benedikt Brors
13.30-14.30 BioConductor Wolfgang Huber
14.45-17.00 Exercises: 2x2 factorial design Wolfgang Huber
09.00-10.15 Molecular Diagnosis Rainer Spang
10.15-11.00 Classification by Support Vector Machines Florian Markowetz
11.00-12.00 Resampling and the bootstrap Axel Benner
13.30-17.00 Exercises: classification Florian Markowetz
09.00-11.00 Design of microarray experiments Ulrich Mansmann
11.00-12.00 Model Assessment and Selection Axel Benner
12.00-12.30 Screening by ROC curve analysis Axel Benner
13.30-17.00 Exercises: Model selection, Bootstrap Ulrich Mansmann
Axel Benner

Course format

ca. 15 students from laboratories that work with microarrays. In the mornings, theory lectures; in the afternoons, hands-on-experience in computer-classes with real data sets (public data, or students' own data), using R/Bioconductor.

Course dates

Berlin, Jan 27-30; Heidelberg Mar 24-27; Heidelberg Oct 07-10; Berlin Nov 10-13.

Course homepage There will be further courses in 2004 which can be found on the same website.