
This is the development version of IRanges; for the stable release version, see IRanges.

Foundation of integer range manipulation in Bioconductor

Bioconductor version: Development (3.20)

Provides efficient low-level and highly reusable S4 classes for storing, manipulating and aggregating over annotated ranges of integers. Implements an algebra of range operations, including efficient algorithms for finding overlaps and nearest neighbors. Defines efficient list-like classes for storing, transforming and aggregating large grouped data, i.e., collections of atomic vectors and DataFrames.

Author: Hervé Pagès [aut, cre], Patrick Aboyoun [aut], Michael Lawrence [aut]

Maintainer: Hervé Pagès <hpages.on.github at>

Citation (from within R, enter citation("IRanges")):


To install this package, start R (version "4.4") and enter:

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

# The following initializes usage of Bioc devel


For older versions of R, please refer to the appropriate Bioconductor release.


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biocViews DataRepresentation, Infrastructure, Software
Version 2.37.1
In Bioconductor since BioC 2.3 (R-2.8) (15.5 years)
License Artistic-2.0
Depends R (>= 4.0.0), methods, utils, stats, BiocGenerics(>= 0.39.2), S4Vectors(>= 0.33.3)
Imports stats4
System Requirements
Bug Reports
See More
Suggests XVector, GenomicRanges, Rsamtools, GenomicAlignments, GenomicFeatures, BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2, pasillaBamSubset, RUnit, BiocStyle
Linking To S4Vectors
Depends On Me AnnotationDbi, AnnotationHubData, BaalChIP, bambu, biomvRCNS, Biostrings, BiSeq, BSgenome, BSgenomeForge, BubbleTree, bumphunter, CAFE, casper, CexoR, chimeraviz, ChIPComp, ChIPpeakAnno, chipseq, CODEX, consensusSeekeR, CSAR, CSSQ, customProDB, deepSNV, DelayedArray, DESeq2, DEXSeq, DirichletMultinomial, DMCFB, DMCHMM, DMRcaller, epigenomix, ExCluster, fCCAC, geneRxCluster, GenomeInfoDb, GenomicAlignments, GenomicDistributions, GenomicFeatures, GenomicRanges, groHMM, gtrellis, Gviz, harbChIP, HelloRanges, HERON, HiTC, IdeoViz, InTAD, LiebermanAidenHiC2009, MotifDb, MultimodalExperiment, NADfinder, oncoscanR, ORFik, OTUbase, pepStat, periodicDNA, plyranges, proBAMr, pwalign, RepViz, rGADEM, rGREAT, RJMCMCNucleosomes, RNAmodR, S4Arrays, Scale4C, SCOPE, seqArchRplus, SGSeq, SICtools, Structstrings, TEQC, traseR, triplex, VariantTools, VplotR, XVector
Imports Me alabaster.bumpy, alabaster.ranges,, ALDEx2, AllelicImbalance, amplican, AneuFinder, annmap, annotatr, appreci8R, ASpli, AssessORF, ATACCoGAPS, ATACseqQC, ATACseqTFEA, atena, ballgown, bamsignals, BasicSTARRseq, BBCAnalyzer, beadarray, BindingSiteFinder, BiocOncoTK, biovizBase, biscuiteer, BiSeq, bnbc, BPRMeth, branchpointer, breakpointR, BRGenomics, bsseq, BUMHMM, BumpyMatrix, BUSpaRse, CAGEfightR, cageminer, CAGEr, cBioPortalData, cfdnakit, cfDNAPro, ChIPanalyser, chipenrich,, ChIPexoQual, ChIPQC, ChIPseeker, chipseq, ChIPseqR, ChIPsim, ChromHeatMap, ChromSCape, chromstaR, chromVAR, cicero, CINdex, circRNAprofiler, CircSeqAlignTk, cleanUpdTSeq, cleaver, cn.mops, CNEr, CNVfilteR, CNVMetrics, CNVPanelizer, CNVRanger, CNVrd2, COCOA, comapr, coMET, coMethDMR, compEpiTools, ComplexHeatmap, CompoundDb, conumee, CopyNumberPlots, CoverageView, crisprBase, crisprBowtie, crisprDesign, crisprScore, CRISPRseek, CrispRVariants, crisprViz, csaw, CTexploreR, dada2, DAMEfinder, debrowser, DECIPHER, deconvR, DegCre, DegNorm, DelayedMatrixStats, deltaCaptureC, demuxSNP, derfinder, derfinderHelper, derfinderPlot, DEScan2, DiffBind, diffHic, diffUTR, DMRcate, DMRScan, dmrseq, DNAfusion, DominoEffect, dreamlet, DRIMSeq, DropletUtils, dStruct, easyRNASeq, EDASeq, eisaR, ELMER, enhancerHomologSearch, ENmix, EnrichedHeatmap, ensembldb, EpiCompare, epidecodeR, epigraHMM, EpiMix, epimutacions, epiregulon, epistack, EpiTxDb, epivizr, epivizrData, erma, esATAC, EventPointer, extraChIPs, factR, FastqCleaner, fastseg, fcScan, FilterFFPE, FindIT2, fishpond, FLAMES, fourDNData, FRASER, GA4GHclient, gcapc, gDNAx, geneAttribution, GeneGeneInteR, GENESIS, GeneStructureTools, genomation, GenomAutomorphism, genomeIntervals, GenomicAlignments, GenomicDataCommons, GenomicFiles, GenomicInteractionNodes, GenomicInteractions, GenomicOZone, GenomicPlot, GenomicScores, GenomicTuples, GenVisR, ggbio, girafe, gmapR, gmoviz, GOfuncR, GOpro, GOTHiC, GSVA, GUIDEseq, gwascat, h5vc, HDF5Array, heatmaps, hermes, HicAggR, HiCBricks, HiCcompare, HiCDCPlus, HiCExperiment, HiContacts, HiCool, hicVennDiagram, HilbertCurve, HTSeqGenie, hummingbird, icetea, ideal, idr2d, IMAS, InPAS, INSPEcT, intansv, InteractionSet, InteractiveComplexHeatmap, IntEREst, ipdDb, iSEEu, IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR, isomiRs, IVAS, IWTomics, karyoploteR, katdetectr, knowYourCG, leeBamViews, LinTInd, LOLA, m6Aboost, MADSEQ, magpie, mariner, maser, MatrixRider, mCSEA, MDTS, MEAL, MEDIPS, MesKit, metagene2, metaseqR2, methimpute, methInheritSim, methodical, MethReg, methrix, methylCC, methylInheritance, methylKit, methylPipe, MethylSeekR, MethylSeqData, methylSig, methylumi, mia, microbiomeMarker, minfi, MinimumDistance, MIRA, missMethyl, mobileRNA, Modstrings, monaLisa, mosaics, MOSim, Motif2Site, motifbreakR, motifmatchr, motifTestR, MouseFM, msa, MSA2dist, MsBackendMassbank, MsBackendMgf, MsBackendMsp, MsBackendRawFileReader, MsBackendSql, MsExperiment, msgbsR, MSnbase, MultiAssayExperiment, MultiDataSet, mumosa, MungeSumstats, musicatk, MutationalPatterns, NanoMethViz, NanoStringNCTools, ncRNAtools, netDx, NoRCE, normr, nucleoSim, nucleR, nullranges, OGRE, oligoClasses, OmaDB, OMICsPCA, openPrimeR, Organism.dplyr, OrganismDbi, OUTRIDER, OutSplice, packFinder, panelcn.mops, pcaExplorer, pd.atdschip.tiling, pdInfoBuilder, PhIPData, Pi, PICS, PING, plotgardener, plyinteractions, podkat, polyester, pqsfinder, pram, prebs, preciseTAD, primirTSS, proActiv, profileplyr, ProteoDisco, PureCN, Pviz, QDNAseq, QFeatures, qpgraph, qPLEXanalyzer, qsea, QuasR, R3CPET, r3Cseq, R453Plus1Toolbox, raer, RaggedExperiment, RAIDS, ramr, RareVariantVis, RCAS, rCGH, recount, recoup, REDseq, regioneR, regutools, REMP, Repitools, ReportingTools, RESOLVE, rfaRm, rfPred, RgnTX, RiboCrypt, RiboDiPA, RiboProfiling, riboSeqR, ribosomeProfilingQC, rnaEditr, RNAmodR.AlkAnilineSeq, RNAmodR.ML, RNAmodR.RiboMethSeq, RnBeads, roar, rprimer, Rqc, Rsamtools, RSVSim, RTN, rtracklayer, SARC, sarks, saseR, SCAN.UPC, scanMiR, scanMiRApp, SCANVIS, scDblFinder, scHOT, scPipe, scRNAseqApp, segmenter, segmentSeq, SeqArray, seqCAT, seqpac, seqPattern, seqsetvis, SeqSQC, SeqVarTools, sesame, sesameData, sevenC, ShortRead, signeR, signifinder, SimFFPE, single, SingleMoleculeFootprinting, sitadela, SMITE, snapcount, SNPhood, soGGi, SomaticCancerAlterations, SomaticSignatures, SOMNiBUS, SparseArray, SparseSignatures, spatialLIBD, spatzie, Spectra, spicyR, spiky, SpliceWiz, SplicingGraphs, SPLINTER, srnadiff, strandCheckR, StructuralVariantAnnotation, SummarizedExperiment, SynExtend, tadar, TAPseq, target, TCGAbiolinks, TCGAutils, TCseq, TFBSTools, TFEA.ChIP, TFHAZ, tidyCoverage, TitanCNA, tracktables, trackViewer, transcriptR, transmogR, TransView, TreeSummarizedExperiment, TRESS, tricycle, tRNA, tRNAdbImport, tRNAscanImport, TVTB, txcutr, txdbmaker, tximeta, UMI4Cats, Uniquorn, universalmotif, UPDhmm, VanillaICE, VarCon, VariantAnnotation, VariantExperiment, VariantFiltering, VaSP, VDJdive, wavClusteR, wiggleplotr, xcms, xcore, XNAString, XVector, yamss, ZygosityPredictor
Suggests Me annotate, AnnotationHub, BaseSpaceR, BiocGenerics, BREW3R.r, Chicago, ClassifyR, easylift, epivizrChart, gDRcore, gDRutils, Glimma, GWASTools, HilbertVis, HilbertVisGUI, maftools, martini, MetaScope, MiRaGE, multicrispr, partCNV, regionalpcs, regionReport, RTCGA, S4Vectors, scMultiome, SigsPack, splatter, svaNUMT, svaRetro, systemPipeR, systemPipeRdata, TFutils, tidybulk, xcoredata, yeastRNASeq
Links To Me Biostrings, CNEr, DECIPHER, DegNorm, GenomicAlignments, GenomicRanges, kebabs, MatrixRider, pwalign, Rsamtools, rtracklayer, ShortRead, SparseArray, Structstrings, triplex, VariantAnnotation, VariantFiltering, XVector
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