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Download stats for software package trackViewer

Data as of Fri. 06 Sep 2024

trackViewer home page: release version, devel version.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2024 back to 2014 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 407 780
Feb/2024 353 768
Mar/2024 751 1237
Apr/2024 862 1607
May/2024 552 1227
Jun/2024 458 1433
Jul/2024 588 1234
Aug/2024 526 1215
Sep/2024 134 353
Oct/2024 0 0
Nov/2024 0 0
Dec/2024 0 0
all/2024 4050 9854


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 268 418
Feb/2023 272 414
Mar/2023 307 451
Apr/2023 315 530
May/2023 480 820
Jun/2023 378 552
Jul/2023 366 553
Aug/2023 379 541
Sep/2023 362 595
Oct/2023 365 646
Nov/2023 471 917
Dec/2023 578 830
all/2023 3824 7267


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 261 392
Feb/2022 236 340
Mar/2022 263 386
Apr/2022 245 368
May/2022 304 437
Jun/2022 247 323
Jul/2022 243 336
Aug/2022 271 381
Sep/2022 297 487
Oct/2022 298 432
Nov/2022 326 466
Dec/2022 240 351
all/2022 2704 4699


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 239 449
Feb/2021 298 515
Mar/2021 332 534
Apr/2021 297 453
May/2021 306 491
Jun/2021 258 393
Jul/2021 280 456
Aug/2021 255 402
Sep/2021 278 424
Oct/2021 272 393
Nov/2021 239 336
Dec/2021 205 317
all/2021 2657 5163


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 188 314
Feb/2020 185 384
Mar/2020 249 423
Apr/2020 244 429
May/2020 268 452
Jun/2020 276 496
Jul/2020 331 658
Aug/2020 238 426
Sep/2020 236 492
Oct/2020 275 456
Nov/2020 279 480
Dec/2020 255 514
all/2020 2472 5524


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 198 356
Feb/2019 167 252
Mar/2019 331 480
Apr/2019 354 503
May/2019 288 502
Jun/2019 355 538
Jul/2019 301 472
Aug/2019 269 375
Sep/2019 195 290
Oct/2019 233 419
Nov/2019 234 386
Dec/2019 165 266
all/2019 2382 4839


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 174 295
Feb/2018 223 331
Mar/2018 214 307
Apr/2018 241 391
May/2018 245 436
Jun/2018 197 356
Jul/2018 222 352
Aug/2018 181 265
Sep/2018 182 319
Oct/2018 210 328
Nov/2018 258 436
Dec/2018 182 291
all/2018 1916 4107


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 164 224
Feb/2017 169 222
Mar/2017 201 355
Apr/2017 241 372
May/2017 215 360
Jun/2017 205 323
Jul/2017 263 363
Aug/2017 181 315
Sep/2017 158 264
Oct/2017 193 283
Nov/2017 221 404
Dec/2017 168 258
all/2017 1868 3743


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 145 275
Feb/2016 157 278
Mar/2016 144 318
Apr/2016 226 370
May/2016 196 357
Jun/2016 229 396
Jul/2016 208 296
Aug/2016 191 242
Sep/2016 133 180
Oct/2016 186 269
Nov/2016 190 279
Dec/2016 217 306
all/2016 1724 3566


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2015 160 304
Feb/2015 117 242
Mar/2015 179 265
Apr/2015 164 306
May/2015 129 190
Jun/2015 142 1597
Jul/2015 137 1808
Aug/2015 121 174
Sep/2015 99 149
Oct/2015 141 232
Nov/2015 129 199
Dec/2015 141 242
all/2015 1304 5708


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2014 0 0
Feb/2014 15 30
Mar/2014 21 27
Apr/2014 106 178
May/2014 148 295
Jun/2014 203 263
Jul/2014 153 206
Aug/2014 205 294
Sep/2014 244 319
Oct/2014 190 255
Nov/2014 179 237
Dec/2014 149 200
all/2014 1306 2304

All years in one file: