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Download stats for software package flowStats

Data as of Thu. 13 Feb 2025

flowStats home page: release version, devel version.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2025 back to 2009 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2025 478 1039
Feb/2025 184 338
Mar/2025 0 0
Apr/2025 0 0
May/2025 0 0
Jun/2025 0 0
Jul/2025 0 0
Aug/2025 0 0
Sep/2025 0 0
Oct/2025 0 0
Nov/2025 0 0
Dec/2025 0 0
all/2025 646 1377


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 536 4462
Feb/2024 510 1020
Mar/2024 641 1047
Apr/2024 662 1130
May/2024 559 1118
Jun/2024 412 1334
Jul/2024 458 857
Aug/2024 428 832
Sep/2024 490 927
Oct/2024 401 798
Nov/2024 406 853
Dec/2024 363 846
all/2024 4976 15224


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 592 815
Feb/2023 573 897
Mar/2023 575 890
Apr/2023 540 784
May/2023 589 915
Jun/2023 473 770
Jul/2023 509 741
Aug/2023 406 673
Sep/2023 359 522
Oct/2023 435 756
Nov/2023 499 991
Dec/2023 693 1100
all/2023 5191 9854


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 1088 1687
Feb/2022 1038 1632
Mar/2022 1247 1894
Apr/2022 1232 1938
May/2022 1170 1785
Jun/2022 1189 1892
Jul/2022 1237 2085
Aug/2022 1117 1650
Sep/2022 1071 1640
Oct/2022 1156 1805
Nov/2022 848 1306
Dec/2022 462 651
all/2022 10249 19965


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 949 1515
Feb/2021 906 2235
Mar/2021 1114 4717
Apr/2021 1080 4997
May/2021 1081 4458
Jun/2021 1160 2441
Jul/2021 997 1499
Aug/2021 1252 1839
Sep/2021 1225 1816
Oct/2021 1187 1818
Nov/2021 1192 1916
Dec/2021 977 1569
all/2021 10452 30820


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 664 1008
Feb/2020 747 1234
Mar/2020 1014 1692
Apr/2020 1044 1895
May/2020 1040 1678
Jun/2020 1018 1713
Jul/2020 928 1587
Aug/2020 851 1513
Sep/2020 907 4576
Oct/2020 986 4523
Nov/2020 1095 3149
Dec/2020 873 3322
all/2020 8654 27890


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 490 825
Feb/2019 355 687
Mar/2019 452 715
Apr/2019 352 608
May/2019 406 935
Jun/2019 332 631
Jul/2019 399 796
Aug/2019 348 644
Sep/2019 302 522
Oct/2019 431 909
Nov/2019 819 1351
Dec/2019 558 838
all/2019 3945 9461


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 286 1350
Feb/2018 316 1285
Mar/2018 322 1346
Apr/2018 334 1381
May/2018 336 1327
Jun/2018 357 1299
Jul/2018 298 1231
Aug/2018 285 1129
Sep/2018 288 1220
Oct/2018 325 1361
Nov/2018 392 1069
Dec/2018 273 432
all/2018 2952 14430


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 294 544
Feb/2017 326 574
Mar/2017 322 659
Apr/2017 375 721
May/2017 318 956
Jun/2017 334 1058
Jul/2017 319 1005
Aug/2017 304 998
Sep/2017 327 976
Oct/2017 325 1127
Nov/2017 354 1451
Dec/2017 274 1348
all/2017 2995 11417


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 280 577
Feb/2016 278 538
Mar/2016 290 618
Apr/2016 332 618
May/2016 289 608
Jun/2016 259 502
Jul/2016 354 726
Aug/2016 288 544
Sep/2016 260 598
Oct/2016 367 624
Nov/2016 365 737
Dec/2016 305 585
all/2016 2764 7275


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2015 329 1763
Feb/2015 281 1061
Mar/2015 350 716
Apr/2015 332 682
May/2015 316 678
Jun/2015 293 737
Jul/2015 287 551
Aug/2015 261 499
Sep/2015 244 454
Oct/2015 312 654
Nov/2015 316 491
Dec/2015 296 577
all/2015 2769 8863


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2014 230 871
Feb/2014 262 1122
Mar/2014 375 1748
Apr/2014 350 1733
May/2014 369 1769
Jun/2014 511 2015
Jul/2014 437 2026
Aug/2014 543 1967
Sep/2014 808 2279
Oct/2014 494 1954
Nov/2014 333 1607
Dec/2014 335 1756
all/2014 4016 20847


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2013 162 270
Feb/2013 153 223
Mar/2013 193 376
Apr/2013 162 300
May/2013 179 326
Jun/2013 164 270
Jul/2013 133 250
Aug/2013 146 218
Sep/2013 135 209
Oct/2013 171 269
Nov/2013 159 239
Dec/2013 173 491
all/2013 1536 3441


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2012 155 208
Feb/2012 160 239
Mar/2012 128 334
Apr/2012 246 398
May/2012 147 232
Jun/2012 180 297
Jul/2012 154 197
Aug/2012 161 301
Sep/2012 146 196
Oct/2012 218 337
Nov/2012 209 310
Dec/2012 168 249
all/2012 1689 3298


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2011 108 157
Feb/2011 110 160
Mar/2011 117 159
Apr/2011 146 187
May/2011 121 181
Jun/2011 128 185
Jul/2011 148 188
Aug/2011 116 199
Sep/2011 115 216
Oct/2011 144 321
Nov/2011 170 286
Dec/2011 120 150
all/2011 1251 2389


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2010 187 269
Feb/2010 145 259
Mar/2010 151 221
Apr/2010 187 287
May/2010 186 299
Jun/2010 146 252
Jul/2010 147 246
Aug/2010 64 172
Sep/2010 134 184
Oct/2010 120 174
Nov/2010 131 213
Dec/2010 121 166
all/2010 1382 2742


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2009 0 0
Feb/2009 0 0
Mar/2009 0 0
Apr/2009 84 128
May/2009 153 209
Jun/2009 121 154
Jul/2009 133 177
Aug/2009 114 174
Sep/2009 190 232
Oct/2009 166 244
Nov/2009 177 263
Dec/2009 164 231
all/2009 1036 1812

All years in one file: