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Download stats for software package MultiAssayExperiment

Data as of Sun. 09 Feb 2025

MultiAssayExperiment home page: release version, devel version.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2025 back to 2016 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2025 5476 8273
Feb/2025 1740 2311
Mar/2025 0 0
Apr/2025 0 0
May/2025 0 0
Jun/2025 0 0
Jul/2025 0 0
Aug/2025 0 0
Sep/2025 0 0
Oct/2025 0 0
Nov/2025 0 0
Dec/2025 0 0
all/2025 6838 10584


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 5345 8014
Feb/2024 6020 8897
Mar/2024 6654 11854
Apr/2024 6242 10409
May/2024 6867 10132
Jun/2024 6356 9521
Jul/2024 7856 10970
Aug/2024 6719 9249
Sep/2024 5992 8482
Oct/2024 6012 8820
Nov/2024 6270 9122
Dec/2024 5345 7538
all/2024 50715 113008


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 2932 4689
Feb/2023 3086 5408
Mar/2023 4045 6898
Apr/2023 4055 6396
May/2023 4181 6464
Jun/2023 4036 6008
Jul/2023 4079 6132
Aug/2023 3717 5271
Sep/2023 3458 4971
Oct/2023 4568 6978
Nov/2023 5540 8037
Dec/2023 4984 6957
all/2023 36671 74209


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 1487 2298
Feb/2022 1588 2627
Mar/2022 1916 2853
Apr/2022 1984 3006
May/2022 2156 2958
Jun/2022 1955 2673
Jul/2022 2539 3409
Aug/2022 2345 3108
Sep/2022 2793 3810
Oct/2022 3177 4463
Nov/2022 3878 5433
Dec/2022 2513 3592
all/2022 24200 40230


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 1302 2087
Feb/2021 1196 2148
Mar/2021 1470 2426
Apr/2021 1434 2121
May/2021 1513 2295
Jun/2021 1441 2366
Jul/2021 1423 2174
Aug/2021 1209 1859
Sep/2021 1895 2869
Oct/2021 1433 2524
Nov/2021 1705 2576
Dec/2021 1780 2700
all/2021 15216 28145


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 1146 1868
Feb/2020 998 1508
Mar/2020 1670 2646
Apr/2020 1504 2256
May/2020 1296 1982
Jun/2020 1249 1959
Jul/2020 1255 1902
Aug/2020 1048 1577
Sep/2020 1098 1763
Oct/2020 1262 2068
Nov/2020 1220 2178
Dec/2020 1218 1825
all/2020 12121 23532


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 835 1442
Feb/2019 1105 1619
Mar/2019 1288 1811
Apr/2019 1141 1659
May/2019 1295 2119
Jun/2019 1153 1706
Jul/2019 1064 1665
Aug/2019 864 1348
Sep/2019 954 1396
Oct/2019 1075 1730
Nov/2019 1025 1709
Dec/2019 975 1447
all/2019 10056 19651


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 598 874
Feb/2018 460 606
Mar/2018 457 632
Apr/2018 561 881
May/2018 672 1102
Jun/2018 656 1005
Jul/2018 784 1205
Aug/2018 733 1123
Sep/2018 596 930
Oct/2018 670 1126
Nov/2018 1087 1670
Dec/2018 717 1061
all/2018 6416 12215


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 95 130
Feb/2017 150 216
Mar/2017 178 282
Apr/2017 182 286
May/2017 184 312
Jun/2017 291 486
Jul/2017 270 506
Aug/2017 217 446
Sep/2017 298 481
Oct/2017 301 635
Nov/2017 455 789
Dec/2017 448 704
all/2017 2343 5273


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 0 0
Feb/2016 0 0
Mar/2016 3 3
Apr/2016 27 38
May/2016 71 85
Jun/2016 16 30
Jul/2016 30 37
Aug/2016 23 32
Sep/2016 23 32
Oct/2016 118 153
Nov/2016 102 133
Dec/2016 118 162
all/2016 436 705

All years in one file: