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Download stats for annotation package hgu95av2cdf

Data as of Thu. 06 Feb 2025

hgu95av2cdf home page: release version, devel version.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2025 back to 2009 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2025 515 1403
Feb/2025 66 168
Mar/2025 0 0
Apr/2025 0 0
May/2025 0 0
Jun/2025 0 0
Jul/2025 0 0
Aug/2025 0 0
Sep/2025 0 0
Oct/2025 0 0
Nov/2025 0 0
Dec/2025 0 0
all/2025 563 1571


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 298 1376
Feb/2024 335 1163
Mar/2024 428 1266
Apr/2024 290 1185
May/2024 386 1226
Jun/2024 659 2037
Jul/2024 275 962
Aug/2024 352 852
Sep/2024 335 907
Oct/2024 397 1168
Nov/2024 282 1151
Dec/2024 333 1140
all/2024 3832 14433


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 161 505
Feb/2023 254 652
Mar/2023 312 1415
Apr/2023 274 1357
May/2023 340 1822
Jun/2023 322 2441
Jul/2023 252 2167
Aug/2023 325 2247
Sep/2023 262 1736
Oct/2023 291 1773
Nov/2023 329 1419
Dec/2023 317 1319
all/2023 2946 18853


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 242 622
Feb/2022 207 750
Mar/2022 342 1780
Apr/2022 319 1104
May/2022 231 472
Jun/2022 212 414
Jul/2022 257 562
Aug/2022 276 476
Sep/2022 341 565
Oct/2022 297 755
Nov/2022 392 1008
Dec/2022 549 1271
all/2022 3117 9779


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 260 674
Feb/2021 286 769
Mar/2021 373 886
Apr/2021 256 603
May/2021 278 514
Jun/2021 217 420
Jul/2021 169 451
Aug/2021 197 481
Sep/2021 257 545
Oct/2021 310 545
Nov/2021 325 578
Dec/2021 218 477
all/2021 2795 6943


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 200 509
Feb/2020 239 775
Mar/2020 281 746
Apr/2020 521 991
May/2020 276 40247
Jun/2020 292 630
Jul/2020 229 564
Aug/2020 179 497
Sep/2020 215 705
Oct/2020 380 918
Nov/2020 313 698
Dec/2020 301 787
all/2020 3085 48067


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 269 598
Feb/2019 321 702
Mar/2019 411 978
Apr/2019 396 989
May/2019 388 876
Jun/2019 277 611
Jul/2019 269 689
Aug/2019 230 589
Sep/2019 260 651
Oct/2019 355 800
Nov/2019 338 720
Dec/2019 161 406
all/2019 3214 8609


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 325 755
Feb/2018 299 610
Mar/2018 451 1016
Apr/2018 404 770
May/2018 359 789
Jun/2018 276 627
Jul/2018 299 783
Aug/2018 266 653
Sep/2018 354 837
Oct/2018 547 1394
Nov/2018 410 945
Dec/2018 389 703
all/2018 3878 9882


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 372 785
Feb/2017 408 809
Mar/2017 500 1058
Apr/2017 526 1418
May/2017 324 765
Jun/2017 380 799
Jul/2017 307 727
Aug/2017 284 588
Sep/2017 398 879
Oct/2017 413 886
Nov/2017 461 979
Dec/2017 347 952
all/2017 4184 10645


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 376 702
Feb/2016 517 958
Mar/2016 486 1060
Apr/2016 469 834
May/2016 396 709
Jun/2016 355 657
Jul/2016 356 629
Aug/2016 240 503
Sep/2016 312 636
Oct/2016 409 803
Nov/2016 507 1267
Dec/2016 299 703
all/2016 3959 9461


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2015 395 814
Feb/2015 354 728
Mar/2015 539 969
Apr/2015 509 1063
May/2015 445 945
Jun/2015 328 745
Jul/2015 340 756
Aug/2015 289 681
Sep/2015 375 958
Oct/2015 610 1269
Nov/2015 479 972
Dec/2015 384 769
all/2015 4205 10669


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2014 375 720
Feb/2014 495 873
Mar/2014 664 1087
Apr/2014 593 1019
May/2014 618 1098
Jun/2014 525 950
Jul/2014 408 777
Aug/2014 352 751
Sep/2014 665 1172
Oct/2014 584 1092
Nov/2014 539 998
Dec/2014 435 853
all/2014 5373 11390


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2013 441 840
Feb/2013 387 739
Mar/2013 547 910
Apr/2013 611 1006
May/2013 504 926
Jun/2013 433 788
Jul/2013 379 780
Aug/2013 295 569
Sep/2013 433 789
Oct/2013 535 1020
Nov/2013 533 975
Dec/2013 462 811
all/2013 4595 10153


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2012 604 928
Feb/2012 521 695
Mar/2012 626 921
Apr/2012 621 1091
May/2012 632 1087
Jun/2012 563 992
Jul/2012 437 807
Aug/2012 363 648
Sep/2012 443 803
Oct/2012 652 1029
Nov/2012 607 968
Dec/2012 411 777
all/2012 5353 10746


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2011 604 1608
Feb/2011 443 1192
Mar/2011 701 1778
Apr/2011 680 1337
May/2011 584 1315
Jun/2011 517 1249
Jul/2011 562 1351
Aug/2011 470 1016
Sep/2011 920 1393
Oct/2011 657 1128
Nov/2011 728 1328
Dec/2011 521 787
all/2011 6083 15482


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2010 638 939
Feb/2010 805 1511
Mar/2010 825 1303
Apr/2010 791 1214
May/2010 1080 1549
Jun/2010 650 1174
Jul/2010 502 1024
Aug/2010 190 852
Sep/2010 654 1134
Oct/2010 669 1283
Nov/2010 640 1461
Dec/2010 537 1392
all/2010 6369 14836


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2009 533 732
Feb/2009 512 666
Mar/2009 599 799
Apr/2009 649 986
May/2009 674 923
Jun/2009 681 891
Jul/2009 641 886
Aug/2009 555 734
Sep/2009 629 771
Oct/2009 718 960
Nov/2009 1066 1581
Dec/2009 591 1033
all/2009 6344 10962

All years in one file: