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Download stats for software package tximport

Data as of Mon. 09 Sep 2024

tximport home page: release version, devel version.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2024 back to 2016 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 3327 10878
Feb/2024 3244 4777
Mar/2024 3405 4588
Apr/2024 3597 5626
May/2024 3491 5314
Jun/2024 3770 5601
Jul/2024 3701 5410
Aug/2024 3114 4413
Sep/2024 920 1230
Oct/2024 0 0
Nov/2024 0 0
Dec/2024 0 0
all/2024 23233 47837


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 3011 4399
Feb/2023 3256 4955
Mar/2023 3704 5712
Apr/2023 3432 5010
May/2023 3724 5859
Jun/2023 3362 4799
Jul/2023 3128 4658
Aug/2023 2938 4235
Sep/2023 2712 3664
Oct/2023 3273 4839
Nov/2023 3951 5638
Dec/2023 3303 4401
all/2023 30908 58169


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 2556 3618
Feb/2022 2611 3717
Mar/2022 3148 4302
Apr/2022 2895 4027
May/2022 3260 4368
Jun/2022 3066 4429
Jul/2022 2667 4172
Aug/2022 2390 5247
Sep/2022 2576 3751
Oct/2022 2837 4007
Nov/2022 3482 5042
Dec/2022 2696 3539
all/2022 27271 50219


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 2413 4153
Feb/2021 2631 3941
Mar/2021 2992 4806
Apr/2021 2801 4572
May/2021 2585 3775
Jun/2021 3230 4598
Jul/2021 2819 3734
Aug/2021 2216 3017
Sep/2021 2599 3387
Oct/2021 2764 3708
Nov/2021 3095 4386
Dec/2021 2390 3245
all/2021 26428 47322


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 2089 3390
Feb/2020 2296 3593
Mar/2020 2991 4812
Apr/2020 3375 5019
May/2020 3218 4735
Jun/2020 3327 4796
Jul/2020 2856 4368
Aug/2020 2273 3286
Sep/2020 2315 3514
Oct/2020 2625 3994
Nov/2020 2522 3982
Dec/2020 2418 4140
all/2020 25428 49629


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 3051 4847
Feb/2019 2455 3674
Mar/2019 2562 4258
Apr/2019 2265 3438
May/2019 2398 3966
Jun/2019 2333 3717
Jul/2019 2574 4077
Aug/2019 2017 3150
Sep/2019 1948 2971
Oct/2019 2117 3513
Nov/2019 2325 3546
Dec/2019 1871 2910
all/2019 20473 44067


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 2013 2932
Feb/2018 1956 3176
Mar/2018 2028 4393
Apr/2018 1883 3985
May/2018 2432 4391
Jun/2018 2614 4187
Jul/2018 3048 5156
Aug/2018 2615 5049
Sep/2018 2562 3809
Oct/2018 2741 4351
Nov/2018 2900 4473
Dec/2018 1809 2751
all/2018 20689 48653


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 794 1048
Feb/2017 820 1169
Mar/2017 1025 1551
Apr/2017 1087 1596
May/2017 1714 2627
Jun/2017 1532 2298
Jul/2017 1658 2544
Aug/2017 1527 2282
Sep/2017 1600 2300
Oct/2017 1850 2996
Nov/2017 2427 3758
Dec/2017 1642 2369
all/2017 13470 26538


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 0 0
Feb/2016 29 41
Mar/2016 62 113
Apr/2016 149 222
May/2016 365 588
Jun/2016 449 721
Jul/2016 476 644
Aug/2016 435 551
Sep/2016 555 759
Oct/2016 717 1066
Nov/2016 800 1170
Dec/2016 661 994
all/2016 3722 6869

All years in one file: