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Download stats for software package scAnnotatR

Data as of Sun. 16 Feb 2025

scAnnotatR home page: release version, devel version.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2025 back to 2021 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2025 184 503
Feb/2025 72 192
Mar/2025 0 0
Apr/2025 0 0
May/2025 0 0
Jun/2025 0 0
Jul/2025 0 0
Aug/2025 0 0
Sep/2025 0 0
Oct/2025 0 0
Nov/2025 0 0
Dec/2025 0 0
all/2025 252 695


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 308 433
Feb/2024 83 271
Mar/2024 101 211
Apr/2024 107 456
May/2024 128 519
Jun/2024 240 886
Jul/2024 305 517
Aug/2024 332 522
Sep/2024 360 621
Oct/2024 362 599
Nov/2024 69 240
Dec/2024 60 273
all/2024 2061 5548


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 60 96
Feb/2023 77 134
Mar/2023 54 87
Apr/2023 73 150
May/2023 94 109
Jun/2023 54 80
Jul/2023 70 111
Aug/2023 125 161
Sep/2023 54 78
Oct/2023 57 112
Nov/2023 159 210
Dec/2023 284 350
all/2023 1030 1678


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 45 81
Feb/2022 58 82
Mar/2022 70 105
Apr/2022 58 71
May/2022 73 96
Jun/2022 41 48
Jul/2022 47 72
Aug/2022 39 61
Sep/2022 60 86
Oct/2022 49 81
Nov/2022 83 113
Dec/2022 41 55
all/2022 524 951


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 0 0
Feb/2021 0 0
Mar/2021 0 0
Apr/2021 0 0
May/2021 0 0
Jun/2021 0 0
Jul/2021 0 0
Aug/2021 0 0
Sep/2021 1 1
Oct/2021 16 31
Nov/2021 37 56
Dec/2021 48 80
all/2021 85 168

All years in one file: