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Download stats for software package makePlatformDesign

Data as of Fri. 14 Feb 2025

Package makePlatformDesign is not in the current release of Bioconductor. It was last seen in 2.8.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2025 back to 2009 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2025 11 12
Feb/2025 4 4
Mar/2025 0 0
Apr/2025 0 0
May/2025 0 0
Jun/2025 0 0
Jul/2025 0 0
Aug/2025 0 0
Sep/2025 0 0
Oct/2025 0 0
Nov/2025 0 0
Dec/2025 0 0
all/2025 15 16


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 11 59
Feb/2024 0 0
Mar/2024 1 14
Apr/2024 1 14
May/2024 1 4
Jun/2024 2 9
Jul/2024 4 18
Aug/2024 23 36
Sep/2024 8 18
Oct/2024 20 51
Nov/2024 9 56
Dec/2024 5 19
all/2024 68 298


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 1 3
Feb/2023 0 0
Mar/2023 0 0
Apr/2023 0 0
May/2023 1 1
Jun/2023 1 1
Jul/2023 1 10
Aug/2023 2 18
Sep/2023 1 3
Oct/2023 3 32
Nov/2023 0 0
Dec/2023 2 6
all/2023 6 74


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 0 0
Feb/2022 0 0
Mar/2022 0 0
Apr/2022 0 0
May/2022 16 16
Jun/2022 0 0
Jul/2022 0 0
Aug/2022 0 0
Sep/2022 0 0
Oct/2022 0 0
Nov/2022 3 11
Dec/2022 0 0
all/2022 19 27


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 1 1
Feb/2021 1 16
Mar/2021 0 0
Apr/2021 0 0
May/2021 0 0
Jun/2021 0 0
Jul/2021 0 0
Aug/2021 0 0
Sep/2021 1 1
Oct/2021 1 2
Nov/2021 2 2
Dec/2021 2 2
all/2021 6 24


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 9 9
Feb/2020 0 0
Mar/2020 2 2
Apr/2020 1 1
May/2020 2 6
Jun/2020 2 7
Jul/2020 2 10
Aug/2020 2 9
Sep/2020 4 10
Oct/2020 2 7
Nov/2020 1 3
Dec/2020 1 1
all/2020 19 65


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 0 0
Feb/2019 0 0
Mar/2019 0 0
Apr/2019 1 3
May/2019 0 0
Jun/2019 0 0
Jul/2019 0 0
Aug/2019 1 1
Sep/2019 0 0
Oct/2019 0 0
Nov/2019 0 0
Dec/2019 0 0
all/2019 2 4


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 0 0
Feb/2018 1 1
Mar/2018 0 0
Apr/2018 0 0
May/2018 0 0
Jun/2018 1 3
Jul/2018 1 1
Aug/2018 0 0
Sep/2018 0 0
Oct/2018 0 0
Nov/2018 0 0
Dec/2018 0 0
all/2018 3 5


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 9 17
Feb/2017 4 7
Mar/2017 3 3
Apr/2017 5 6
May/2017 2 2
Jun/2017 3 5
Jul/2017 2 2
Aug/2017 3 3
Sep/2017 3 3
Oct/2017 0 0
Nov/2017 1 1
Dec/2017 0 0
all/2017 33 49


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 7 9
Feb/2016 13 21
Mar/2016 16 21
Apr/2016 28 36
May/2016 22 25
Jun/2016 3 3
Jul/2016 2 2
Aug/2016 3 3
Sep/2016 3 11
Oct/2016 5 5
Nov/2016 7 9
Dec/2016 2 11
all/2016 73 156


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2015 1 1
Feb/2015 3 3
Mar/2015 3 3
Apr/2015 4 5
May/2015 0 0
Jun/2015 1 1
Jul/2015 2 3
Aug/2015 0 0
Sep/2015 0 0
Oct/2015 11 57
Nov/2015 4 13
Dec/2015 6 21
all/2015 31 107


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2014 3 6
Feb/2014 0 0
Mar/2014 3 4
Apr/2014 3 3
May/2014 1 1
Jun/2014 3 3
Jul/2014 7 7
Aug/2014 1 1
Sep/2014 8 8
Oct/2014 4 5
Nov/2014 1 1
Dec/2014 6 7
all/2014 38 46


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2013 3 3
Feb/2013 6 7
Mar/2013 7 8
Apr/2013 11 11
May/2013 5 5
Jun/2013 2 2
Jul/2013 3 3
Aug/2013 1 2
Sep/2013 2 5
Oct/2013 1 1
Nov/2013 2 2
Dec/2013 4 5
all/2013 47 54


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2012 41 46
Feb/2012 17 21
Mar/2012 23 30
Apr/2012 17 23
May/2012 18 21
Jun/2012 13 16
Jul/2012 16 21
Aug/2012 11 25
Sep/2012 12 14
Oct/2012 13 23
Nov/2012 6 6
Dec/2012 4 4
all/2012 184 250


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2011 128 190
Feb/2011 105 144
Mar/2011 101 130
Apr/2011 160 201
May/2011 147 206
Jun/2011 126 187
Jul/2011 109 134
Aug/2011 123 154
Sep/2011 87 111
Oct/2011 99 136
Nov/2011 45 56
Dec/2011 41 49
all/2011 1042 1698


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2010 203 285
Feb/2010 172 285
Mar/2010 177 255
Apr/2010 195 259
May/2010 204 321
Jun/2010 174 263
Jul/2010 136 212
Aug/2010 71 175
Sep/2010 138 180
Oct/2010 142 190
Nov/2010 154 245
Dec/2010 130 171
all/2010 1534 2841


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2009 134 193
Feb/2009 127 255
Mar/2009 166 228
Apr/2009 204 304
May/2009 216 315
Jun/2009 183 251
Jul/2009 166 218
Aug/2009 148 213
Sep/2009 248 313
Oct/2009 223 315
Nov/2009 250 359
Dec/2009 196 298
all/2009 1762 3262

All years in one file: