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Download stats for software package exomeCopy

Data as of Fri. 14 Feb 2025

Package exomeCopy is not in the current release of Bioconductor. It was last seen in 3.18.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2025 back to 2011 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2025 122 352
Feb/2025 57 91
Mar/2025 0 0
Apr/2025 0 0
May/2025 0 0
Jun/2025 0 0
Jul/2025 0 0
Aug/2025 0 0
Sep/2025 0 0
Oct/2025 0 0
Nov/2025 0 0
Dec/2025 0 0
all/2025 178 443


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 199 480
Feb/2024 264 352
Mar/2024 714 884
Apr/2024 624 874
May/2024 107 183
Jun/2024 103 203
Jul/2024 98 171
Aug/2024 230 305
Sep/2024 245 367
Oct/2024 153 298
Nov/2024 168 323
Dec/2024 195 358
all/2024 2733 4798


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 229 337
Feb/2023 212 323
Mar/2023 226 325
Apr/2023 190 276
May/2023 236 341
Jun/2023 210 289
Jul/2023 190 298
Aug/2023 200 340
Sep/2023 174 233
Oct/2023 180 348
Nov/2023 234 359
Dec/2023 498 669
all/2023 2311 4138


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 218 289
Feb/2022 159 258
Mar/2022 274 435
Apr/2022 192 296
May/2022 234 350
Jun/2022 219 361
Jul/2022 182 267
Aug/2022 198 264
Sep/2022 173 244
Oct/2022 181 301
Nov/2022 242 384
Dec/2022 160 236
all/2022 2003 3685


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 222 381
Feb/2021 229 471
Mar/2021 273 422
Apr/2021 278 447
May/2021 275 413
Jun/2021 299 430
Jul/2021 247 349
Aug/2021 232 330
Sep/2021 236 329
Oct/2021 227 334
Nov/2021 251 361
Dec/2021 254 397
all/2021 2491 4664


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 193 320
Feb/2020 164 273
Mar/2020 205 360
Apr/2020 227 347
May/2020 250 446
Jun/2020 262 441
Jul/2020 233 413
Aug/2020 227 360
Sep/2020 221 434
Oct/2020 242 401
Nov/2020 224 388
Dec/2020 216 423
all/2020 2186 4606


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 271 430
Feb/2019 225 379
Mar/2019 288 433
Apr/2019 293 466
May/2019 295 490
Jun/2019 260 366
Jul/2019 260 400
Aug/2019 222 335
Sep/2019 231 349
Oct/2019 207 320
Nov/2019 192 334
Dec/2019 173 301
all/2019 2273 4603


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 254 420
Feb/2018 244 377
Mar/2018 244 345
Apr/2018 314 602
May/2018 274 458
Jun/2018 251 446
Jul/2018 278 413
Aug/2018 225 352
Sep/2018 227 331
Oct/2018 231 373
Nov/2018 318 514
Dec/2018 231 357
all/2018 2428 4988


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 179 256
Feb/2017 272 353
Mar/2017 246 394
Apr/2017 321 453
May/2017 294 387
Jun/2017 319 508
Jul/2017 265 397
Aug/2017 241 419
Sep/2017 282 405
Oct/2017 223 357
Nov/2017 311 535
Dec/2017 219 292
all/2017 2517 4756


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 223 315
Feb/2016 233 355
Mar/2016 247 418
Apr/2016 308 412
May/2016 264 380
Jun/2016 263 363
Jul/2016 207 276
Aug/2016 211 288
Sep/2016 188 239
Oct/2016 238 295
Nov/2016 256 330
Dec/2016 239 321
all/2016 2192 3992


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2015 250 427
Feb/2015 185 329
Mar/2015 262 369
Apr/2015 237 362
May/2015 213 309
Jun/2015 204 323
Jul/2015 232 345
Aug/2015 191 275
Sep/2015 182 307
Oct/2015 248 384
Nov/2015 218 315
Dec/2015 211 320
all/2015 2028 4065


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2014 211 294
Feb/2014 187 237
Mar/2014 262 374
Apr/2014 302 523
May/2014 253 448
Jun/2014 304 381
Jul/2014 253 342
Aug/2014 283 424
Sep/2014 297 393
Oct/2014 266 368
Nov/2014 275 365
Dec/2014 236 306
all/2014 2449 4455


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2013 165 237
Feb/2013 161 200
Mar/2013 173 337
Apr/2013 203 309
May/2013 237 403
Jun/2013 228 327
Jul/2013 161 247
Aug/2013 184 261
Sep/2013 177 219
Oct/2013 238 359
Nov/2013 214 280
Dec/2013 211 368
all/2013 1767 3547


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2012 110 185
Feb/2012 124 171
Mar/2012 125 312
Apr/2012 197 328
May/2012 132 204
Jun/2012 151 228
Jul/2012 135 172
Aug/2012 137 230
Sep/2012 155 217
Oct/2012 170 260
Nov/2012 155 215
Dec/2012 143 225
all/2012 1330 2747


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2011 0 0
Feb/2011 0 0
Mar/2011 0 0
Apr/2011 0 0
May/2011 0 0
Jun/2011 0 0
Jul/2011 0 0
Aug/2011 0 0
Sep/2011 0 0
Oct/2011 1 1
Nov/2011 66 117
Dec/2011 53 64
all/2011 118 182

All years in one file: