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Download stats for software package ensemblVEP

Data as of Mon. 09 Sep 2024

Package ensemblVEP is not in the current release of Bioconductor. It was last seen in 3.19.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2024 back to 2012 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 170 375
Feb/2024 132 176
Mar/2024 305 427
Apr/2024 321 649
May/2024 136 336
Jun/2024 94 443
Jul/2024 119 249
Aug/2024 141 225
Sep/2024 30 52
Oct/2024 0 0
Nov/2024 0 0
Dec/2024 0 0
all/2024 1301 2932


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 119 181
Feb/2023 127 237
Mar/2023 111 191
Apr/2023 117 171
May/2023 136 172
Jun/2023 110 135
Jul/2023 92 144
Aug/2023 105 168
Sep/2023 92 128
Oct/2023 121 229
Nov/2023 146 219
Dec/2023 226 290
all/2023 1241 2265


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 94 155
Feb/2022 109 183
Mar/2022 119 211
Apr/2022 136 212
May/2022 109 156
Jun/2022 128 185
Jul/2022 142 215
Aug/2022 119 174
Sep/2022 94 182
Oct/2022 89 135
Nov/2022 39 64
Dec/2022 116 148
all/2022 1015 2020


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 110 243
Feb/2021 105 287
Mar/2021 145 245
Apr/2021 175 277
May/2021 153 251
Jun/2021 127 219
Jul/2021 117 199
Aug/2021 112 180
Sep/2021 124 215
Oct/2021 107 192
Nov/2021 104 178
Dec/2021 93 167
all/2021 1138 2653


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 99 198
Feb/2020 80 179
Mar/2020 123 240
Apr/2020 141 290
May/2020 129 292
Jun/2020 128 263
Jul/2020 103 247
Aug/2020 114 259
Sep/2020 107 267
Oct/2020 155 274
Nov/2020 88 196
Dec/2020 89 231
all/2020 1068 2936


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 130 305
Feb/2019 121 237
Mar/2019 147 262
Apr/2019 238 371
May/2019 170 328
Jun/2019 148 258
Jul/2019 158 342
Aug/2019 104 173
Sep/2019 85 144
Oct/2019 157 256
Nov/2019 127 304
Dec/2019 104 239
all/2019 1247 3219


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 139 218
Feb/2018 121 184
Mar/2018 128 188
Apr/2018 184 272
May/2018 141 268
Jun/2018 149 234
Jul/2018 140 219
Aug/2018 123 238
Sep/2018 121 195
Oct/2018 186 371
Nov/2018 175 379
Dec/2018 105 226
all/2018 1277 2992


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 134 195
Feb/2017 140 189
Mar/2017 161 271
Apr/2017 199 298
May/2017 166 219
Jun/2017 168 239
Jul/2017 140 209
Aug/2017 124 201
Sep/2017 118 173
Oct/2017 173 296
Nov/2017 152 250
Dec/2017 110 188
all/2017 1413 2728


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 184 270
Feb/2016 172 279
Mar/2016 200 331
Apr/2016 286 386
May/2016 211 328
Jun/2016 188 256
Jul/2016 155 220
Aug/2016 183 313
Sep/2016 133 203
Oct/2016 193 351
Nov/2016 192 301
Dec/2016 162 231
all/2016 1771 3469


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2015 267 430
Feb/2015 233 363
Mar/2015 271 355
Apr/2015 232 320
May/2015 191 271
Jun/2015 221 320
Jul/2015 175 250
Aug/2015 192 287
Sep/2015 165 389
Oct/2015 199 414
Nov/2015 188 292
Dec/2015 179 260
all/2015 1932 3951


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2014 205 265
Feb/2014 177 208
Mar/2014 325 444
Apr/2014 302 509
May/2014 231 388
Jun/2014 306 380
Jul/2014 267 378
Aug/2014 312 465
Sep/2014 307 415
Oct/2014 310 426
Nov/2014 253 340
Dec/2014 260 393
all/2014 2501 4611


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2013 7 15
Feb/2013 13 30
Mar/2013 16 22
Apr/2013 108 177
May/2013 197 299
Jun/2013 206 301
Jul/2013 166 241
Aug/2013 174 248
Sep/2013 185 267
Oct/2013 257 376
Nov/2013 219 283
Dec/2013 192 338
all/2013 1303 2597


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2012 0 0
Feb/2012 0 0
Mar/2012 0 0
Apr/2012 0 0
May/2012 0 0
Jun/2012 0 0
Jul/2012 0 0
Aug/2012 0 0
Sep/2012 0 0
Oct/2012 0 0
Nov/2012 0 0
Dec/2012 13 25
all/2012 13 25

All years in one file: