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Download stats for software package cicero

Data as of Fri. 14 Feb 2025

cicero home page: release version, devel version.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2025 back to 2018 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2025 300 642
Feb/2025 138 256
Mar/2025 0 0
Apr/2025 0 0
May/2025 0 0
Jun/2025 0 0
Jul/2025 0 0
Aug/2025 0 0
Sep/2025 0 0
Oct/2025 0 0
Nov/2025 0 0
Dec/2025 0 0
all/2025 427 898


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 229 529
Feb/2024 185 553
Mar/2024 225 515
Apr/2024 262 700
May/2024 272 747
Jun/2024 214 950
Jul/2024 220 502
Aug/2024 240 472
Sep/2024 315 632
Oct/2024 266 611
Nov/2024 208 505
Dec/2024 181 481
all/2024 2260 7197


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 144 201
Feb/2023 197 310
Mar/2023 271 402
Apr/2023 227 367
May/2023 288 377
Jun/2023 202 304
Jul/2023 189 293
Aug/2023 190 331
Sep/2023 182 269
Oct/2023 187 362
Nov/2023 250 460
Dec/2023 160 335
all/2023 1898 4011


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 170 264
Feb/2022 143 237
Mar/2022 212 318
Apr/2022 156 215
May/2022 182 253
Jun/2022 158 219
Jul/2022 172 280
Aug/2022 159 217
Sep/2022 160 266
Oct/2022 179 268
Nov/2022 205 321
Dec/2022 150 278
all/2022 1550 3136


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 169 261
Feb/2021 149 231
Mar/2021 219 363
Apr/2021 194 327
May/2021 218 405
Jun/2021 201 326
Jul/2021 200 322
Aug/2021 167 282
Sep/2021 199 315
Oct/2021 224 359
Nov/2021 215 299
Dec/2021 179 252
all/2021 1699 3742


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 134 262
Feb/2020 170 344
Mar/2020 211 427
Apr/2020 222 416
May/2020 218 403
Jun/2020 223 413
Jul/2020 169 265
Aug/2020 153 286
Sep/2020 189 353
Oct/2020 187 290
Nov/2020 182 330
Dec/2020 167 309
all/2020 1606 4098


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 107 207
Feb/2019 124 247
Mar/2019 251 332
Apr/2019 258 358
May/2019 150 278
Jun/2019 142 281
Jul/2019 158 287
Aug/2019 128 233
Sep/2019 94 171
Oct/2019 145 259
Nov/2019 153 270
Dec/2019 129 249
all/2019 1392 3172


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 0 0
Feb/2018 0 0
Mar/2018 0 0
Apr/2018 0 0
May/2018 0 0
Jun/2018 0 0
Jul/2018 0 0
Aug/2018 0 0
Sep/2018 0 0
Oct/2018 18 22
Nov/2018 77 138
Dec/2018 79 120
all/2018 143 280

All years in one file: