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Download stats for software package annaffy

Data as of Thu. 12 Sep 2024

annaffy home page: release version, devel version.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2024 back to 2009 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 206 623
Feb/2024 207 450
Mar/2024 424 644
Apr/2024 416 852
May/2024 313 796
Jun/2024 190 944
Jul/2024 192 457
Aug/2024 265 548
Sep/2024 110 303
Oct/2024 0 0
Nov/2024 0 0
Dec/2024 0 0
all/2024 2038 5617


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 170 261
Feb/2023 143 250
Mar/2023 209 317
Apr/2023 216 323
May/2023 263 338
Jun/2023 209 269
Jul/2023 198 290
Aug/2023 208 326
Sep/2023 141 223
Oct/2023 193 387
Nov/2023 281 415
Dec/2023 507 683
all/2023 2267 4082


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 225 324
Feb/2022 213 292
Mar/2022 239 335
Apr/2022 232 304
May/2022 286 369
Jun/2022 183 230
Jul/2022 179 264
Aug/2022 162 225
Sep/2022 167 279
Oct/2022 199 298
Nov/2022 321 467
Dec/2022 204 290
all/2022 2112 3677


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 255 430
Feb/2021 274 562
Mar/2021 270 465
Apr/2021 365 616
May/2021 310 463
Jun/2021 252 366
Jul/2021 234 346
Aug/2021 173 272
Sep/2021 266 389
Oct/2021 248 349
Nov/2021 330 468
Dec/2021 253 341
all/2021 2621 5067


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 417 908
Feb/2020 365 749
Mar/2020 538 980
Apr/2020 561 837
May/2020 490 784
Jun/2020 419 738
Jul/2020 331 557
Aug/2020 296 528
Sep/2020 319 614
Oct/2020 449 781
Nov/2020 374 669
Dec/2020 266 507
all/2020 4062 8652


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 442 663
Feb/2019 480 718
Mar/2019 580 873
Apr/2019 616 1011
May/2019 632 955
Jun/2019 418 579
Jul/2019 424 608
Aug/2019 293 450
Sep/2019 310 430
Oct/2019 424 683
Nov/2019 484 836
Dec/2019 345 655
all/2019 4398 8461


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 395 541
Feb/2018 440 678
Mar/2018 547 831
Apr/2018 633 1134
May/2018 572 940
Jun/2018 532 890
Jul/2018 460 679
Aug/2018 357 616
Sep/2018 369 549
Oct/2018 524 914
Nov/2018 767 1221
Dec/2018 510 761
all/2018 4888 9754


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 459 627
Feb/2017 494 697
Mar/2017 688 1069
Apr/2017 704 1194
May/2017 623 834
Jun/2017 568 886
Jul/2017 469 700
Aug/2017 448 694
Sep/2017 423 686
Oct/2017 547 1081
Nov/2017 702 1185
Dec/2017 453 706
all/2017 5247 10359


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 602 1143
Feb/2016 577 1040
Mar/2016 771 1455
Apr/2016 791 1365
May/2016 761 1156
Jun/2016 656 945
Jul/2016 526 854
Aug/2016 440 613
Sep/2016 468 726
Oct/2016 640 978
Nov/2016 674 976
Dec/2016 513 729
all/2016 5787 11980


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2015 874 1781
Feb/2015 779 1675
Mar/2015 1080 1984
Apr/2015 1236 1923
May/2015 952 1590
Jun/2015 721 1291
Jul/2015 765 1328
Aug/2015 618 1181
Sep/2015 576 1260
Oct/2015 747 1622
Nov/2015 696 1412
Dec/2015 630 1329
all/2015 7617 18376


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2014 846 1204
Feb/2014 912 1290
Mar/2014 1193 1825
Apr/2014 1335 1970
May/2014 1071 1578
Jun/2014 994 1478
Jul/2014 950 1356
Aug/2014 821 1173
Sep/2014 1005 1339
Oct/2014 1170 1946
Nov/2014 1029 1873
Dec/2014 857 1619
all/2014 9691 18651


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2013 1255 1977
Feb/2013 962 1357
Mar/2013 1269 1899
Apr/2013 1352 2023
May/2013 1382 2543
Jun/2013 1194 1913
Jul/2013 1092 1585
Aug/2013 891 1349
Sep/2013 1018 1499
Oct/2013 1357 2202
Nov/2013 1137 1806
Dec/2013 841 1196
all/2013 10744 21349


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2012 1862 2876
Feb/2012 1233 1871
Mar/2012 1310 2159
Apr/2012 1755 2731
May/2012 1421 2142
Jun/2012 1288 1942
Jul/2012 1213 2028
Aug/2012 964 1574
Sep/2012 1007 1490
Oct/2012 1379 2111
Nov/2012 1278 2078
Dec/2012 1175 1965
all/2012 12471 24967


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2011 3336 8665
Feb/2011 3131 5587
Mar/2011 3339 6395
Apr/2011 3025 5529
May/2011 2928 6360
Jun/2011 2967 5466
Jul/2011 2624 4955
Aug/2011 2601 4834
Sep/2011 3224 6015
Oct/2011 2857 5141
Nov/2011 2589 4489
Dec/2011 1583 2524
all/2011 25844 65960


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2010 2796 6204
Feb/2010 3020 9526
Mar/2010 3203 7016
Apr/2010 3401 6998
May/2010 3763 7738
Jun/2010 3129 6711
Jul/2010 2613 6423
Aug/2010 1401 6675
Sep/2010 3392 7846
Oct/2010 3742 6849
Nov/2010 3847 8179
Dec/2010 2786 4958
all/2010 27578 85123


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2009 2717 5935
Feb/2009 2619 5826
Mar/2009 3082 6648
Apr/2009 3376 7274
May/2009 2882 6413
Jun/2009 2981 6184
Jul/2009 2904 6005
Aug/2009 2589 5407
Sep/2009 3283 6524
Oct/2009 2851 6159
Nov/2009 3699 7405
Dec/2009 2636 5967
all/2009 25996 75747

All years in one file: