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Download stats for software package GenomeInfoDb

Data as of Sun. 09 Feb 2025

GenomeInfoDb home page: release version, devel version.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2025 back to 2014 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2025 48908 94944
Feb/2025 19880 35368
Mar/2025 0 0
Apr/2025 0 0
May/2025 0 0
Jun/2025 0 0
Jul/2025 0 0
Aug/2025 0 0
Sep/2025 0 0
Oct/2025 0 0
Nov/2025 0 0
Dec/2025 0 0
all/2025 63655 130312


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 58391 154797
Feb/2024 60148 173366
Mar/2024 68674 227006
Apr/2024 61933 178310
May/2024 58906 118777
Jun/2024 54184 109534
Jul/2024 53614 103736
Aug/2024 46631 90317
Sep/2024 49195 95898
Oct/2024 54136 106181
Nov/2024 56864 120022
Dec/2024 53957 110425
all/2024 465197 1588369


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 40941 122122
Feb/2023 47202 134186
Mar/2023 50926 124672
Apr/2023 46668 114610
May/2023 47355 111882
Jun/2023 47000 99587
Jul/2023 46931 109003
Aug/2023 46602 114531
Sep/2023 58036 129876
Oct/2023 62402 138063
Nov/2023 63458 135224
Dec/2023 51446 109589
all/2023 417025 1443345


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 38031 134583
Feb/2022 45649 104337
Mar/2022 52295 165738
Apr/2022 48245 146613
May/2022 49133 181946
Jun/2022 46762 146628
Jul/2022 44399 140377
Aug/2022 54351 136553
Sep/2022 54115 102960
Oct/2022 55770 128810
Nov/2022 60063 153878
Dec/2022 40905 82088
all/2022 464020 1624511


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 29705 54630
Feb/2021 29204 51342
Mar/2021 40832 73696
Apr/2021 42188 81625
May/2021 36139 60979
Jun/2021 38657 66438
Jul/2021 40400 68619
Aug/2021 37274 65609
Sep/2021 43674 75877
Oct/2021 43671 106649
Nov/2021 44408 150503
Dec/2021 36648 129763
all/2021 357142 985730


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 17868 36922
Feb/2020 20158 47835
Mar/2020 25907 48318
Apr/2020 34029 58702
May/2020 31365 94220
Jun/2020 29844 54560
Jul/2020 28947 54133
Aug/2020 24297 45035
Sep/2020 25618 47870
Oct/2020 28431 51673
Nov/2020 30023 59442
Dec/2020 30198 53778
all/2020 254355 652488


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 17570 34356
Feb/2019 20080 37338
Mar/2019 22249 42744
Apr/2019 19701 40167
May/2019 21391 45430
Jun/2019 18067 35403
Jul/2019 18620 38595
Aug/2019 16492 34294
Sep/2019 17752 34858
Oct/2019 20139 39181
Nov/2019 20704 39637
Dec/2019 16601 30890
all/2019 165051 452893


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 14069 26371
Feb/2018 13379 24638
Mar/2018 14515 27663
Apr/2018 14069 28598
May/2018 16130 33164
Jun/2018 14628 29276
Jul/2018 15241 31228
Aug/2018 14086 27589
Sep/2018 14108 26764
Oct/2018 16514 32569
Nov/2018 21152 41592
Dec/2018 15818 29687
all/2018 134105 359139


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 12403 20096
Feb/2017 13272 22874
Mar/2017 14327 25776
Apr/2017 12407 23912
May/2017 14090 27278
Jun/2017 13511 26879
Jul/2017 12181 24032
Aug/2017 11289 22459
Sep/2017 11341 21057
Oct/2017 16379 30501
Nov/2017 17259 35487
Dec/2017 12858 24551
all/2017 114254 304902


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 10369 17883
Feb/2016 12023 19535
Mar/2016 11922 19552
Apr/2016 11210 18758
May/2016 11722 20010
Jun/2016 10630 18319
Jul/2016 10769 18713
Aug/2016 10506 18658
Sep/2016 13049 23060
Oct/2016 12550 20562
Nov/2016 13391 22416
Dec/2016 9959 15946
all/2016 97997 233412


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2015 11107 16225
Feb/2015 9792 14261
Mar/2015 11746 17910
Apr/2015 15652 26047
May/2015 13637 21400
Jun/2015 13301 21939
Jul/2015 13387 21388
Aug/2015 12610 20810
Sep/2015 14501 24421
Oct/2015 14020 24062
Nov/2015 12066 21393
Dec/2015 8936 14682
all/2015 106425 244538


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2014 0 0
Feb/2014 5 5
Mar/2014 316 621
Apr/2014 4976 7448
May/2014 7060 9811
Jun/2014 6861 9253
Jul/2014 6849 9414
Aug/2014 6545 9207
Sep/2014 8042 11874
Oct/2014 9815 15109
Nov/2014 10415 16356
Dec/2014 9727 14335
all/2014 55219 103433

All years in one file: