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Download stats for software package DOSE

Data as of Mon. 16 Sep 2024

DOSE home page: release version, devel version.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2024 back to 2011 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 18056 28214
Feb/2024 14584 22141
Mar/2024 18023 29040
Apr/2024 17958 28771
May/2024 17876 29008
Jun/2024 17514 26703
Jul/2024 20017 31376
Aug/2024 20065 30660
Sep/2024 13364 20710
Oct/2024 0 0
Nov/2024 0 0
Dec/2024 0 0
all/2024 116160 246623


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 10405 16063
Feb/2023 11814 18195
Mar/2023 17212 28166
Apr/2023 15067 24270
May/2023 15468 24769
Jun/2023 13567 20547
Jul/2023 14447 22258
Aug/2023 13782 20962
Sep/2023 13653 20946
Oct/2023 20295 33225
Nov/2023 21505 35898
Dec/2023 19590 31881
all/2023 135266 297180


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 9441 13807
Feb/2022 8896 12856
Mar/2022 11967 17551
Apr/2022 11363 15935
May/2022 11799 17020
Jun/2022 12354 17613
Jul/2022 10994 15799
Aug/2022 10524 15508
Sep/2022 14684 21081
Oct/2022 13883 20009
Nov/2022 16121 25356
Dec/2022 11225 15993
all/2022 110976 208528


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 8273 13337
Feb/2021 7307 11430
Mar/2021 9546 15227
Apr/2021 9393 14684
May/2021 8672 12994
Jun/2021 9242 14145
Jul/2021 9851 14601
Aug/2021 10317 15771
Sep/2021 9918 15302
Oct/2021 12931 19826
Nov/2021 12629 19052
Dec/2021 10357 15055
all/2021 90079 181424


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 5083 8217
Feb/2020 6168 11366
Mar/2020 7683 13286
Apr/2020 8052 13221
May/2020 9199 14488
Jun/2020 7850 13151
Jul/2020 7850 13231
Aug/2020 7162 11713
Sep/2020 7773 12303
Oct/2020 8277 13348
Nov/2020 8399 13597
Dec/2020 7998 12879
all/2020 74372 150800


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 5264 8498
Feb/2019 4560 7065
Mar/2019 5334 9040
Apr/2019 5228 8726
May/2019 5805 10847
Jun/2019 5459 8845
Jul/2019 6123 10821
Aug/2019 5232 8927
Sep/2019 5152 8368
Oct/2019 5562 9546
Nov/2019 5844 9660
Dec/2019 5333 8829
all/2019 47969 109172


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 2457 6015
Feb/2018 2168 3753
Mar/2018 2907 5368
Apr/2018 3049 5970
May/2018 3696 7185
Jun/2018 3446 6717
Jul/2018 3719 6794
Aug/2018 3396 6020
Sep/2018 3241 5671
Oct/2018 3431 6128
Nov/2018 4916 8138
Dec/2018 3794 5798
all/2018 29573 73557


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 1473 2416
Feb/2017 1575 2633
Mar/2017 2212 3667
Apr/2017 1942 3262
May/2017 2198 3603
Jun/2017 2062 3443
Jul/2017 1963 3735
Aug/2017 1994 3852
Sep/2017 1976 3281
Oct/2017 2217 4126
Nov/2017 2808 6305
Dec/2017 2231 5620
all/2017 18326 45943


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 884 1401
Feb/2016 749 1170
Mar/2016 812 1435
Apr/2016 1283 2020
May/2016 1359 2351
Jun/2016 1261 2130
Jul/2016 1289 2352
Aug/2016 1248 2240
Sep/2016 1186 2031
Oct/2016 1331 2522
Nov/2016 1549 2924
Dec/2016 1335 2199
all/2016 10159 24775


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2015 445 772
Feb/2015 439 790
Mar/2015 541 870
Apr/2015 587 974
May/2015 615 939
Jun/2015 577 964
Jul/2015 828 1290
Aug/2015 706 1093
Sep/2015 827 1267
Oct/2015 790 1236
Nov/2015 844 1267
Dec/2015 734 1241
all/2015 5769 12703


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2014 294 425
Feb/2014 237 315
Mar/2014 351 559
Apr/2014 415 687
May/2014 412 703
Jun/2014 467 651
Jul/2014 443 622
Aug/2014 478 733
Sep/2014 601 842
Oct/2014 517 753
Nov/2014 493 761
Dec/2014 389 572
all/2014 3938 7623


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2013 180 278
Feb/2013 169 286
Mar/2013 235 452
Apr/2013 274 491
May/2013 337 559
Jun/2013 325 526
Jul/2013 229 355
Aug/2013 251 432
Sep/2013 316 487
Oct/2013 369 562
Nov/2013 374 529
Dec/2013 297 532
all/2013 2546 5489


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2012 102 137
Feb/2012 131 171
Mar/2012 130 326
Apr/2012 246 397
May/2012 204 307
Jun/2012 176 275
Jul/2012 175 224
Aug/2012 157 264
Sep/2012 151 191
Oct/2012 254 369
Nov/2012 242 347
Dec/2012 176 260
all/2012 1721 3268


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2011 0 0
Feb/2011 0 0
Mar/2011 0 0
Apr/2011 0 0
May/2011 0 0
Jun/2011 9 19
Jul/2011 7 7
Aug/2011 4 4
Sep/2011 3 4
Oct/2011 8 10
Nov/2011 93 155
Dec/2011 67 90
all/2011 182 289

All years in one file: