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Download stats for software package ChIPpeakAnno

Data as of Mon. 16 Sep 2024

ChIPpeakAnno home page: release version, devel version.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2024 back to 2009 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 778 1422
Feb/2024 985 1731
Mar/2024 1687 2406
Apr/2024 1541 2437
May/2024 1013 1768
Jun/2024 1109 2207
Jul/2024 1075 1977
Aug/2024 899 1605
Sep/2024 498 890
Oct/2024 0 0
Nov/2024 0 0
Dec/2024 0 0
all/2024 7702 16443


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 667 1027
Feb/2023 749 1127
Mar/2023 876 1275
Apr/2023 791 1184
May/2023 975 1642
Jun/2023 851 1243
Jul/2023 795 1170
Aug/2023 824 1161
Sep/2023 665 955
Oct/2023 640 1068
Nov/2023 851 1387
Dec/2023 1215 1728
all/2023 7828 14967


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 795 1369
Feb/2022 936 1688
Mar/2022 1017 1515
Apr/2022 909 1337
May/2022 872 1266
Jun/2022 910 1505
Jul/2022 861 1258
Aug/2022 786 1121
Sep/2022 843 1314
Oct/2022 771 1152
Nov/2022 970 1687
Dec/2022 918 1172
all/2022 7987 16384


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 938 1467
Feb/2021 791 1409
Mar/2021 913 1474
Apr/2021 1329 2128
May/2021 1028 1673
Jun/2021 1023 1775
Jul/2021 877 1517
Aug/2021 918 1461
Sep/2021 889 1390
Oct/2021 886 1303
Nov/2021 869 1386
Dec/2021 763 1292
all/2021 8212 18275


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 656 1028
Feb/2020 748 1224
Mar/2020 1094 1708
Apr/2020 1080 1683
May/2020 961 1666
Jun/2020 916 1536
Jul/2020 843 1393
Aug/2020 761 1361
Sep/2020 912 1572
Oct/2020 942 1508
Nov/2020 945 1835
Dec/2020 929 1679
all/2020 8162 18193


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 1016 1590
Feb/2019 923 1405
Mar/2019 911 1390
Apr/2019 919 1443
May/2019 874 1538
Jun/2019 784 1219
Jul/2019 857 1460
Aug/2019 811 1319
Sep/2019 712 1118
Oct/2019 773 1241
Nov/2019 728 1294
Dec/2019 593 1028
all/2019 7235 16045


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 739 1333
Feb/2018 862 1534
Mar/2018 786 1264
Apr/2018 822 1512
May/2018 893 1832
Jun/2018 712 1342
Jul/2018 760 1483
Aug/2018 773 1341
Sep/2018 801 1345
Oct/2018 771 1320
Nov/2018 969 1703
Dec/2018 683 1030
all/2018 6585 17039


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 864 1548
Feb/2017 670 1110
Mar/2017 660 1244
Apr/2017 663 1115
May/2017 714 1262
Jun/2017 531 907
Jul/2017 570 959
Aug/2017 610 1179
Sep/2017 605 1052
Oct/2017 804 1299
Nov/2017 870 1574
Dec/2017 702 1258
all/2017 5997 14507


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 690 1169
Feb/2016 783 1265
Mar/2016 756 1422
Apr/2016 735 1181
May/2016 656 1199
Jun/2016 632 1095
Jul/2016 654 1394
Aug/2016 593 996
Sep/2016 704 1384
Oct/2016 579 893
Nov/2016 740 1236
Dec/2016 737 1362
all/2016 5762 14596


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2015 541 888
Feb/2015 441 791
Mar/2015 664 1172
Apr/2015 630 1063
May/2015 590 1033
Jun/2015 603 1096
Jul/2015 608 1147
Aug/2015 488 805
Sep/2015 522 852
Oct/2015 601 1030
Nov/2015 626 1192
Dec/2015 554 995
all/2015 4993 12064


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2014 433 661
Feb/2014 380 538
Mar/2014 498 895
Apr/2014 543 931
May/2014 508 844
Jun/2014 620 1012
Jul/2014 500 773
Aug/2014 738 1160
Sep/2014 875 1166
Oct/2014 614 924
Nov/2014 633 1135
Dec/2014 1681 4171
all/2014 6074 14210


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2013 320 544
Feb/2013 270 872
Mar/2013 565 971
Apr/2013 592 1079
May/2013 529 1363
Jun/2013 573 935
Jul/2013 415 738
Aug/2013 390 659
Sep/2013 412 674
Oct/2013 539 891
Nov/2013 482 801
Dec/2013 526 907
all/2013 4105 10434


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2012 253 1762
Feb/2012 300 1431
Mar/2012 292 1601
Apr/2012 462 1752
May/2012 301 554
Jun/2012 375 678
Jul/2012 301 472
Aug/2012 295 514
Sep/2012 336 527
Oct/2012 467 758
Nov/2012 366 525
Dec/2012 380 606
all/2012 3099 11180


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2011 199 361
Feb/2011 177 314
Mar/2011 211 455
Apr/2011 255 440
May/2011 261 423
Jun/2011 284 535
Jul/2011 303 509
Aug/2011 231 377
Sep/2011 264 408
Oct/2011 245 30412
Nov/2011 330 37303
Dec/2011 282 2494
all/2011 2321 74031


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2010 158 229
Feb/2010 168 262
Mar/2010 185 343
Apr/2010 207 319
May/2010 556 1640
Jun/2010 209 416
Jul/2010 204 407
Aug/2010 91 360
Sep/2010 202 339
Oct/2010 211 391
Nov/2010 255 486
Dec/2010 170 317
all/2010 2064 5509


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2009 0 0
Feb/2009 0 0
Mar/2009 0 0
Apr/2009 0 0
May/2009 0 0
Jun/2009 0 0
Jul/2009 0 0
Aug/2009 14 30
Sep/2009 16 28
Oct/2009 65 86
Nov/2009 151 229
Dec/2009 191 263
all/2009 388 636

All years in one file: