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Download stats for software package ChIPQC

Data as of Wed. 18 Sep 2024

ChIPQC home page: release version, devel version.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2024 back to 2014 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 254 550
Feb/2024 249 365
Mar/2024 412 548
Apr/2024 511 914
May/2024 324 718
Jun/2024 566 1265
Jul/2024 426 660
Aug/2024 328 504
Sep/2024 217 385
Oct/2024 0 0
Nov/2024 0 0
Dec/2024 0 0
all/2024 2836 5909


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 324 841
Feb/2023 302 633
Mar/2023 366 682
Apr/2023 270 437
May/2023 341 897
Jun/2023 294 436
Jul/2023 239 375
Aug/2023 350 542
Sep/2023 382 546
Oct/2023 262 418
Nov/2023 347 632
Dec/2023 332 485
all/2023 2866 6924


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 287 705
Feb/2022 285 733
Mar/2022 291 453
Apr/2022 273 449
May/2022 288 435
Jun/2022 263 377
Jul/2022 240 380
Aug/2022 298 457
Sep/2022 386 680
Oct/2022 267 449
Nov/2022 449 948
Dec/2022 545 670
all/2022 2853 6736


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 267 709
Feb/2021 269 566
Mar/2021 439 962
Apr/2021 352 645
May/2021 322 589
Jun/2021 346 883
Jul/2021 319 548
Aug/2021 257 591
Sep/2021 284 525
Oct/2021 260 440
Nov/2021 238 387
Dec/2021 292 528
all/2021 2915 7373


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 274 543
Feb/2020 243 502
Mar/2020 306 596
Apr/2020 337 666
May/2020 286 574
Jun/2020 302 682
Jul/2020 288 571
Aug/2020 278 567
Sep/2020 278 720
Oct/2020 288 517
Nov/2020 349 828
Dec/2020 322 605
all/2020 2805 7371


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 255 436
Feb/2019 331 541
Mar/2019 424 666
Apr/2019 293 478
May/2019 270 515
Jun/2019 283 610
Jul/2019 295 583
Aug/2019 238 454
Sep/2019 224 448
Oct/2019 265 472
Nov/2019 255 509
Dec/2019 191 420
all/2019 2500 6132


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 192 336
Feb/2018 203 298
Mar/2018 179 246
Apr/2018 252 402
May/2018 227 441
Jun/2018 201 350
Jul/2018 222 412
Aug/2018 194 325
Sep/2018 277 536
Oct/2018 265 446
Nov/2018 308 605
Dec/2018 188 337
all/2018 2065 4734


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 176 356
Feb/2017 215 342
Mar/2017 206 382
Apr/2017 289 475
May/2017 267 435
Jun/2017 292 492
Jul/2017 223 364
Aug/2017 210 368
Sep/2017 251 389
Oct/2017 194 325
Nov/2017 249 453
Dec/2017 182 281
all/2017 2016 4662


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 194 341
Feb/2016 199 327
Mar/2016 194 384
Apr/2016 253 413
May/2016 222 446
Jun/2016 207 390
Jul/2016 204 362
Aug/2016 210 297
Sep/2016 219 475
Oct/2016 258 391
Nov/2016 254 501
Dec/2016 236 359
all/2016 1944 4686


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2015 210 376
Feb/2015 163 316
Mar/2015 220 331
Apr/2015 183 342
May/2015 208 394
Jun/2015 172 272
Jul/2015 192 309
Aug/2015 183 281
Sep/2015 175 295
Oct/2015 210 353
Nov/2015 180 397
Dec/2015 165 249
all/2015 1684 3915


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2014 0 0
Feb/2014 0 0
Mar/2014 1 1
Apr/2014 104 173
May/2014 179 406
Jun/2014 275 391
Jul/2014 211 291
Aug/2014 262 342
Sep/2014 275 375
Oct/2014 216 314
Nov/2014 249 408
Dec/2014 187 265
all/2014 1526 2966

All years in one file: