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Download stats for software package CEMiTool

Data as of Fri. 14 Feb 2025

CEMiTool home page: release version, devel version.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2025 back to 2017 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2025 216 451
Feb/2025 68 124
Mar/2025 0 0
Apr/2025 0 0
May/2025 0 0
Jun/2025 0 0
Jul/2025 0 0
Aug/2025 0 0
Sep/2025 0 0
Oct/2025 0 0
Nov/2025 0 0
Dec/2025 0 0
all/2025 278 575


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 104 252
Feb/2024 107 240
Mar/2024 228 389
Apr/2024 265 586
May/2024 187 535
Jun/2024 159 719
Jul/2024 117 233
Aug/2024 139 229
Sep/2024 240 401
Oct/2024 205 403
Nov/2024 126 240
Dec/2024 123 245
all/2024 1707 4472


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 103 200
Feb/2023 97 187
Mar/2023 99 166
Apr/2023 105 186
May/2023 147 228
Jun/2023 104 167
Jul/2023 149 219
Aug/2023 126 210
Sep/2023 104 193
Oct/2023 91 238
Nov/2023 109 396
Dec/2023 107 213
all/2023 1088 2603


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 153 248
Feb/2022 131 215
Mar/2022 206 335
Apr/2022 161 196
May/2022 140 173
Jun/2022 142 177
Jul/2022 151 278
Aug/2022 126 167
Sep/2022 160 264
Oct/2022 135 240
Nov/2022 170 298
Dec/2022 109 153
all/2022 1509 2744


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 140 466
Feb/2021 136 463
Mar/2021 219 614
Apr/2021 223 688
May/2021 239 408
Jun/2021 163 243
Jul/2021 189 301
Aug/2021 156 226
Sep/2021 181 309
Oct/2021 185 365
Nov/2021 197 296
Dec/2021 148 208
all/2021 1794 4587


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 128 376
Feb/2020 162 454
Mar/2020 175 507
Apr/2020 227 554
May/2020 209 617
Jun/2020 214 623
Jul/2020 199 497
Aug/2020 182 551
Sep/2020 241 714
Oct/2020 207 658
Nov/2020 189 574
Dec/2020 138 499
all/2020 1797 6624


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 224 586
Feb/2019 143 370
Mar/2019 286 619
Apr/2019 361 729
May/2019 250 689
Jun/2019 202 542
Jul/2019 195 546
Aug/2019 153 406
Sep/2019 137 392
Oct/2019 137 386
Nov/2019 152 491
Dec/2019 127 420
all/2019 1835 6176


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 66 92
Feb/2018 136 217
Mar/2018 190 270
Apr/2018 170 298
May/2018 131 289
Jun/2018 160 276
Jul/2018 153 263
Aug/2018 110 223
Sep/2018 140 313
Oct/2018 128 277
Nov/2018 214 583
Dec/2018 162 432
all/2018 1386 3533


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 0 0
Feb/2017 0 0
Mar/2017 0 0
Apr/2017 0 0
May/2017 0 0
Jun/2017 0 0
Jul/2017 0 0
Aug/2017 18 27
Sep/2017 14 16
Oct/2017 16 27
Nov/2017 64 130
Dec/2017 63 111
all/2017 157 311

All years in one file: