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Download stats for software package AffyCompatible

Data as of Thu. 06 Feb 2025

Package AffyCompatible is not in the current release of Bioconductor. It was last seen in 3.16.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2025 back to 2009 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2025 80 203
Feb/2025 1 10
Mar/2025 0 0
Apr/2025 0 0
May/2025 0 0
Jun/2025 0 0
Jul/2025 0 0
Aug/2025 0 0
Sep/2025 0 0
Oct/2025 0 0
Nov/2025 0 0
Dec/2025 0 0
all/2025 80 213


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 25 228
Feb/2024 7 16
Mar/2024 46 101
Apr/2024 120 152
May/2024 16 30
Jun/2024 11 54
Jul/2024 13 37
Aug/2024 118 169
Sep/2024 144 201
Oct/2024 63 145
Nov/2024 52 200
Dec/2024 92 219
all/2024 648 1552


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 46 71
Feb/2023 47 90
Mar/2023 60 90
Apr/2023 70 113
May/2023 22 27
Jun/2023 15 16
Jul/2023 12 44
Aug/2023 9 68
Sep/2023 11 49
Oct/2023 10 97
Nov/2023 11 28
Dec/2023 9 39
all/2023 260 732


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 64 100
Feb/2022 43 73
Mar/2022 81 127
Apr/2022 102 158
May/2022 100 123
Jun/2022 43 58
Jul/2022 61 105
Aug/2022 30 42
Sep/2022 54 103
Oct/2022 43 73
Nov/2022 62 118
Dec/2022 43 66
all/2022 557 1146


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 73 157
Feb/2021 61 186
Mar/2021 100 210
Apr/2021 124 252
May/2021 108 191
Jun/2021 85 141
Jul/2021 78 121
Aug/2021 52 97
Sep/2021 81 134
Oct/2021 80 135
Nov/2021 90 122
Dec/2021 61 94
all/2021 764 1840


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 98 207
Feb/2020 68 167
Mar/2020 77 171
Apr/2020 154 472
May/2020 119 272
Jun/2020 88 239
Jul/2020 68 143
Aug/2020 63 163
Sep/2020 87 265
Oct/2020 93 190
Nov/2020 85 203
Dec/2020 75 146
all/2020 852 2638


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 102 176
Feb/2019 84 148
Mar/2019 103 156
Apr/2019 137 249
May/2019 116 218
Jun/2019 86 149
Jul/2019 94 173
Aug/2019 55 88
Sep/2019 66 147
Oct/2019 58 108
Nov/2019 131 283
Dec/2019 71 162
all/2019 857 2057


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 105 153
Feb/2018 95 120
Mar/2018 98 127
Apr/2018 156 258
May/2018 103 138
Jun/2018 122 194
Jul/2018 106 141
Aug/2018 75 111
Sep/2018 97 146
Oct/2018 99 217
Nov/2018 109 199
Dec/2018 79 130
all/2018 1004 1934


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 107 147
Feb/2017 135 185
Mar/2017 147 241
Apr/2017 181 259
May/2017 145 215
Jun/2017 163 254
Jul/2017 119 182
Aug/2017 122 187
Sep/2017 104 147
Oct/2017 117 176
Nov/2017 129 195
Dec/2017 92 130
all/2017 1287 2318


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 163 251
Feb/2016 154 269
Mar/2016 174 311
Apr/2016 238 380
May/2016 166 242
Jun/2016 153 243
Jul/2016 136 207
Aug/2016 96 116
Sep/2016 115 170
Oct/2016 153 206
Nov/2016 145 190
Dec/2016 142 205
all/2016 1456 2790


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2015 227 398
Feb/2015 187 339
Mar/2015 234 359
Apr/2015 227 369
May/2015 186 263
Jun/2015 185 299
Jul/2015 182 269
Aug/2015 155 212
Sep/2015 127 223
Oct/2015 193 364
Nov/2015 148 248
Dec/2015 177 324
all/2015 1785 3667


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2014 200 282
Feb/2014 183 227
Mar/2014 267 446
Apr/2014 265 449
May/2014 246 433
Jun/2014 327 510
Jul/2014 233 316
Aug/2014 268 407
Sep/2014 306 423
Oct/2014 287 397
Nov/2014 268 362
Dec/2014 205 263
all/2014 2477 4515


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2013 211 299
Feb/2013 177 258
Mar/2013 253 465
Apr/2013 244 414
May/2013 270 400
Jun/2013 277 383
Jul/2013 206 292
Aug/2013 209 304
Sep/2013 205 290
Oct/2013 269 397
Nov/2013 257 353
Dec/2013 195 351
all/2013 2190 4206


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2012 167 244
Feb/2012 188 277
Mar/2012 162 359
Apr/2012 301 460
May/2012 190 276
Jun/2012 200 304
Jul/2012 179 230
Aug/2012 164 288
Sep/2012 188 257
Oct/2012 246 330
Nov/2012 217 284
Dec/2012 168 243
all/2012 1966 3552


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2011 146 209
Feb/2011 112 170
Mar/2011 148 200
Apr/2011 182 235
May/2011 156 233
Jun/2011 170 315
Jul/2011 155 208
Aug/2011 127 170
Sep/2011 161 208
Oct/2011 131 170
Nov/2011 198 312
Dec/2011 146 185
all/2011 1557 2615


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2010 229 331
Feb/2010 268 412
Mar/2010 199 300
Apr/2010 234 334
May/2010 249 419
Jun/2010 226 350
Jul/2010 150 230
Aug/2010 90 196
Sep/2010 142 194
Oct/2010 162 220
Nov/2010 184 273
Dec/2010 152 227
all/2010 1876 3486


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2009 195 287
Feb/2009 178 281
Mar/2009 231 325
Apr/2009 277 397
May/2009 249 382
Jun/2009 196 261
Jul/2009 215 309
Aug/2009 151 230
Sep/2009 272 346
Oct/2009 233 338
Nov/2009 296 406
Dec/2009 225 306
all/2009 2192 3868

All years in one file: