: multi-sample multi-group scRNA-seq analysis tools (???) provides a straightforward but effective simulation framework that is anchored to a labeled multi-sample multi-subpopulation scRNA-seq reference dataset, uses (non-zero-inflated) negative binomial (NB) as the canonical distribution for droplet scRNA-seq datasets, and exposes various parameters to modulate: the number of subpopulations and samples simulated, the number of cells per subpopulation (and sample), and the type and magnitude of a wide range of patterns of differential expression.
This vignette serves to provide the underlying theoretical background, to thoroughly describe the various input arguments, and to demonstrate the simulation framework’s current capabilities using some illustrative (not necessarily realistic) examples.
muscat 1.20.0
For details on the concepts presented here, consider having a look at our publication:
Crowell HL, Soneson C*, Germain P-L*, Calini D,
Collin L, Raposo C, Malhotra D, and Robinson MD:
muscat detects subpopulation-specific state transitions from
multi-sample multi-condition single-cell transcriptomics data.
Nature Communications 11, 6077 (2020).
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-19894-4
To demonstrate muscat’s simulation framework, we will use a SingleCellExperiment (SCE) containing 10x droplet-based scRNA-seq PBCM data from 8 Lupus patients obtained befor and after 6h-treatment with IFN-\(\beta\) (Kang et al. 2018). The complete raw data, as well as gene and cell metadata is available through the NCBI GEO, accession number GSE96583.
muscat’s simulation framework comprises: i) estimation of negative binomial (NB) parameters from a reference multi-subpopulation, multi-sample dataset; ii) sampling of gene and cell parameters to use for simulation; and, iii) simulation of gene expression data as NB distributions of mixtures thereof. See Fig. 1.
Let \(Y = (y_{gc})\in\mathbb{N}_0^{G\times C}\) denote the count matrix of a multi-sample multi-subpopulation reference dataset with genes \(\mathcal{G} = \{ g_1, \ldots, g_G \}\) and sets of cells \(\mathcal{C}_{sk} = \{ c^{sk}_1, ..., c^{sk}_{C_{sk}} \}\) for each sample \(s\) and subpopulation \(k\) (\(C_{sk}\) is the number of cells for sample \(s\), subpopulation \(k\)). For each gene \(g\), we fit a model to estimate sample-specific means \(\beta_g^s\), for each sample \(s\), and dispersion parameters \(\phi_g\) using ’s function with default parameters. Thus, we model the reference count data as NB distributed:
\[Y_{gc} \sim NB(\mu_{gc}, \phi_g)\]
for gene \(g\) and cell \(c\), where the mean \(\mu_{gc} = \exp(\beta_{g}^{s(c)}) \cdot \lambda_c\). Here, \(\beta_{g}^{s(c)}\) is the relative abundance of gene \(g\) in sample \(s(c)\), \(\lambda_c\) is the library size (total number of counts), and \(\phi_g\) is the dispersion.
Figure 1: Schematic overview of muscat’s simulation framework
Given a count matrix of features by cells and, for each cell, pre-determined subpopulation identifiers as well as sample labels (0), dispersion and sample-wise means are estimated from a negative binomial distribution for each gene (for each subpopulation) (1.1); and library sizes are recorded (1.2). From this set of parameters (dispersions, means, library sizes), gene expression is sampled from a negative binomial distribution. Here, genes are selected to be “type” (subpopulation-specifically expressed; e.g., via marker genes), “state” (change in expression in a condition-specific manner) or equally expressed (relatively) across all samples (2). The result is a matrix of synthetic gene expression data (3).
For each subpopulation, we randomly assign each gene to a given differential distribution (DD) category (Korthauer et al. 2016) according to a probability vector p_dd
\(=(p_{EE},p_{EP},p_{DE},p_{DP},p_{DM},p_{DB})\). For each gene and subpopulation, we draw a vector of fold changes (FCs) from a Gamma distribution with shape parameter \(\alpha=4\) and rate \(\beta=4/\mu_\text{logFC}\), where \(\mu_\text{logFC}\) is the desired average logFC across all genes and subpopulations specified via argument lfc
. The direction of differential expression is randomized for each gene, with equal probability of up- and down-regulation.
Next, we split the cells in a given subpopulations into two sets (representing treatment groups), \(\mathcal{T}_A\) and \(\mathcal{T}_B\), which are in turn split again into two sets each (representing subpopulations within the given treatment group.), \(\mathcal{T}_{A_1}/\mathcal{T}_{A_2}\) and \(\mathcal{T}_{B_1}/\mathcal{T}_{B_2}\).
For EE genes, counts for \(\mathcal{T}_A\) and \(\mathcal{T}_B\) are drawn using identical means.For EP genes, we multiply the effective means for identical fractions of cells per group by the sample FCs, i.e., cells are split such that \(\dim\mathcal{T}_{A_1} = \dim\mathcal{T}_{B_1}\) and \(\dim\mathcal{T}_{A_2} = \dim\mathcal{T}_{B_2}\). For DE genes, the means of one group, \(A\) or \(B\), are multiplied with the samples FCs. DP genes are simulated analogously to EP genes with \(\dim\mathcal{T}_{A_1} = a\cdot\dim\mathcal{T}_A\) and \(\dim\mathcal{T}_{B_1} = b\cdot\dim\mathcal{T}_B\), where \(a+b=1\) and \(a\neq b\). For DM genes, 50% of cells from one group are simulated at \(\mu\cdot\text{logFC}\). For DB genes, all cells from one group are simulated at \(\mu\cdot\text{logFC}/2\), and the second group is split into equal proportions of cells simulated at \(\mu\) and \(\mu\cdot\text{logFC}\), respectively. See Fig. 2.
Figure 2: Schematic of the various types of differential distributions supported by muscat
’s simulation framework
Differential distributions are simulated from a NB distribution or mixtures thereof, according to the definitions of random variables X, Y and Z.
: Preparing data for simulationTo prepare a reference SingleCellExperiment (SCE) for simulation of multi-sample multi-group scRNA-seq data, prepSim
Importantly, we want to introduce known changes in states across conditions; thus, only replicates from a single condition should go into the simulation. The group to be kept for simulation may be specified via group_keep
, in which case samples from all other groups (sce$group_id != group_keep
) will be dropped. By default (group_keep = NULL
), prepSim
will select the first group available as reference.
Arguments min_count
, min_cells
, min_genes
and min_size
are used to tune the filtering of genes, cells and subpopulation-instances as follows:
> min_count
in >= min_cells
will be retained> 0
in >= min_genes
will be retained>= min_size
cells will be retained; min_size = NULL
will skip this step# estimate simulation parameters
ref <- prepSim(example_sce, verbose = FALSE)
# only samples from `ctrl` group are retained
## ctrl101 ctrl107
## 200 200
# cell parameters: library sizes
sub <- assay(example_sce[rownames(ref), colnames(ref)])
all.equal(exp(ref$offset), as.numeric(colSums(sub)))
## [1] "names for target but not for current"
## [2] "Mean relative difference: 0.4099568"
# gene parameters: dispersions & sample-specific means
## DataFrame with 6 rows and 4 columns
## ENSEMBL SYMBOL beta disp
## <character> <character> <DataFrame> <numeric>
## ISG15 ENSG00000187608 ISG15 -7.84582:-0.24689653:-1.039481 4.6562351
## AURKAIP1 ENSG00000175756 AURKAIP1 -7.84854: 0.00760804:-1.171909 0.1769946
## MRPL20 ENSG00000242485 MRPL20 -8.31434:-0.58684228:-0.304824 0.6429744
## SSU72 ENSG00000160075 SSU72 -8.05155:-0.17122919:-0.793248 0.0342695
## RER1 ENSG00000157916 RER1 -7.75327: 0.10732490:-1.261825 0.5043444
## RPL22 ENSG00000116251 RPL22 -8.03551:-0.03356007: 0.143487 0.2013805
: Simulating complex designsProvided with a reference SCE as returned by prepSim
, a variery of simulation scenarios can be generated using the simData
function, which will again return an SCE containg the following elements:
containing the simulated count datacolData
columns cluster/sample/group_id
containing each cells cluster, sample, and group ID (A or B).metadata$gene_info
containing a data.frame
listing, for each gene and cluster
; note that this will only approximate log2(sim_mean.B/sim_mean.A)
for genes of the de
category as other types of state changes use mixtures for NBs, and will consequently not exhibit a shift in means of the same magnitude as logFC
from which dispersion sim_disp
and sample-specific means beta.<sample_id>
were usedsim_mean.A/B
for each groupIn the code chunk that follows, we run a simple simulation with
p_dd = c(1,0,...0)
, i.e., 10% of EE genesnk = 3
subpopulations and ns = 3
replicates for each of 2 groupsng = 1000
genes and nc = 2000
cells, resulting in 2000/2/ns/nk
\(\approx111\) cells for 2 groups with 3 samples each and 3 subpopulations# simulated 10% EE genes
sim <- simData(ref,
nc = 2e3, ng = 1e3, force = TRUE,
p_dd = diag(6)[1, ], nk = 3, ns = 3)
# number of cells per sample and subpopulation
table(sim$sample_id, sim$cluster_id)
## cluster1 cluster2 cluster3
## sample1.A 96 123 121
## sample2.A 94 96 117
## sample3.A 124 113 105
## sample1.B 101 106 109
## sample2.B 105 118 122
## sample3.B 117 121 112
By default, we have drawn a random reference sample from levels(ref$sample_id)
for every simulated sample in each group, resulting in an unpaired design:
## A B
## sample1 "ctrl107" "ctrl101"
## sample2 "ctrl107" "ctrl101"
## sample3 "ctrl107" "ctrl107"
Alternatively, we can re-run the above simulation with paired = TRUE
such that both groups will use the same set of reference samples, resulting in a paired design:
# simulated paired design
sim <- simData(ref,
nk = 3, ns = 3, paired = TRUE,
nc = 2e3, ng = 1e3, force = TRUE)
# same set of reference samples for both groups
ref_sids <- metadata(sim)$ref_sids
all(ref_sids[, 1] == ref_sids[, 2])
## [1] TRUE
: Simulating differential distributionsArgument p_dd
specifies the fraction of cells to simulate for each DD category. Its values should thus lie in \([0,1]\) and sum to 1. Expression densities for an exemplary set of genes simulated from the code below is shown in Fig. 3.
# simulate genes from all DD categories
sim <- simData(ref,
p_dd = c(0.5, rep(0.1, 5)),
nc = 2e3, ng = 1e3, force = TRUE)
We can retrieve the category assigned to each gene in each cluster from the gene_info
table stored in the output SCE’s metadata
gi <- metadata(sim)$gene_info
## ee ep de dp dm db
## 1006 200 198 212 186 198