SPIAT 1.8.0
With SPIAT we can quantify cell colocalisation, which refers to how much two cell types are colocalising and thus potentially interacting.
In this vignette we will use an inForm data file that’s already been
formatted for SPIAT with format_image_to_spe()
, which we can load with
. We will use define_celltypes()
to define the cells with certain
combinations of markers.
# define cell types
formatted_image <- define_celltypes(
categories = c("Tumour_marker","Immune_marker1,Immune_marker2",
"Immune_marker1,Immune_marker2,Immune_marker4", "OTHER"),
category_colname = "Phenotype",
names = c("Tumour", "Immune1", "Immune2", "Immune3", "Others"),
new_colname = "Cell.Type")
We can calculate the average percentage of cells of one cell type
(target) within a radius of another cell type (reference) using
average_percentage_of_cells_within_radius(spe_object = formatted_image,
reference_celltype = "Immune1",
target_celltype = "Immune2",
radius=100, feature_colname="Cell.Type")
## [1] 4.768123
Alternatively, this analysis can also be performed based on marker
intensities rather than cell types. Here, we use
to calculate the average
intensity of the target_marker within a radius from the cells positive
for the reference marker. Note that it pools all cells with the target
marker that are within the specific radius of any reference cell.
Results represent the average intensities within a radius.
average_marker_intensity_within_radius(spe_object = formatted_image,
reference_marker ="Immune_marker3",
target_marker = "Immune_marker2",
## [1] 0.5995357
To help identify suitable radii for
users can use
. This function calculates the average intensity
of a target marker for a number of user-supplied radii values, and plots
the intensity level at each specified radius as a line graph. The radius
unit is microns.
plot_average_intensity(spe_object=formatted_image, reference_marker="Immune_marker3",
target_marker="Immune_marker2", radii=c(30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 75, 100))
This plot shows low levels of Immune_marker3 were observed in cells near Immune_marker2+ cells and these levels increased at larger radii. This suggests Immune_marker2+ and Immune_marker3+ cells may not be closely interacting and are actually repelled.
This score was originally defined as the number of immune-tumour
interactions divided by the number of immune-immune interactions
(Keren et al. 2018). SPIAT generalises this method for any
user-defined pair of cell types. mixing_score_summary()
returns the
mixing score between a reference cell type and a target cell type. This
mixing score is defined as the number of target-reference
interactions/number of reference-reference interactions within a
specified radius. The higher the score the greater the mixing of the two
cell types. The normalised score is normalised for the number of target
and reference cells in the image.
mixing_score_summary(spe_object = formatted_image, reference_celltype = "Immune1",
target_celltype = "Immune2", radius=100, feature_colname ="Cell.Type")
## Reference Target Number_of_reference_cells Number_of_target_cells
## 2 Immune1 Immune2 338 178
## Reference_target_interaction Reference_reference_interaction Mixing_score
## 2 583 592 0.9847973
## Normalised_mixing_score
## 2 0.9322379
Cross K function calculates the number of target cell types across a range of radii from a reference cell type, and compares the behaviour of the input image with an image of randomly distributed points using a Poisson point process. There are four patterns that can be distinguished from K-cross function, as illustrated in the plots below. (taken from here in April 2021).