PLSDA-batch is a new batch effect correction method based on Projection to Latent Structures Discriminant Analysis to correct data prior to any downstream analysis. It estimates latent components related to treatment and batch effects to remove batch variation. PLSDA-batch is highly suitable for microbiome data as it is non-parametric, multivariate and allows for ordination and data visualisation. Combined with centered log ratio transformation for addressing uneven library sizes and compositional structure, PLSDA-batch addresses all characteristics of microbiome data that existing correction methods have ignored so far.
Apart from the main method, the R package also includes two variants called 1/ weighted PLSDA-batch for unbalanced batch x treatment designs that are commonly encountered in studies with small sample size, and 2/ sparse PLSDA-batch for selection of discriminative variables to avoid overfitting in classification problems. These two variants have widened the scope of applicability of PLSDA-batch to different data settings (???).
This vignette includes microbiome data pre-processing, batch effect detection and visualisation, the usage of PLSDA-batch series methods, assessment of batch effect removal and variable selection after batch effect correction. See “Batch Effects Management in Case Studies” for different choices of methods for batch effect management according to experimental purposes and designs.
First, we load the packages necessary for analysis, and check the version of each package.
# Bioconductor
# print package versions
## [1] "1.0.12"
## [1] "2.6-8"
## [1] "2.3"
## [1] "6.30.0"
## [1] "2.66.0"
## [1] "1.2.0"
We considered a case study to illustrate the application of PLSDA-batch. This study is described as follows:
\(\color{blue}{\bf{\text{Anaerobic digestion.}}}\) This study explored the microbial indicators that could improve the efficacy of anaerobic digestion (AD) bioprocess and prevent its failure (???). This data include 75 samples and 567 microbial variables. The samples were treated with two different ranges of phenol concentration (effect of interest) and processed at five different dates (batch effect). This study includes a clear and strong batch effect with an approx. balanced batch x treatment design.
We load the \(\color{blue}{\text{AD data}}\) stored internally with function
, and then extract the batch and treatment information out.
# AD data
ad.count <- assays(AD_data$FullData)$Count
## [1] 75 567
ad.metadata <- rowData(AD_data$FullData)
ad.batch = factor(ad.metadata$sequencing_run_date,
levels = unique(ad.metadata$sequencing_run_date))
ad.trt = as.factor(ad.metadata$initial_phenol_concentration.regroup)
names(ad.batch) <- names(ad.trt) <- rownames(ad.metadata)
The raw \(\color{blue}{\text{AD data}}\) include 567 OTUs and 75 samples.
We then use the function PreFL()
from our \(\color{orange}{\text{PLSDAbatch}}\)
R package to filter the data.
ad.filter.res <- PreFL(data = ad.count)
ad.filter <- ad.filter.res$data.filter
## [1] 75 231
# zero proportion before filtering
## [1] 0.6328042
# zero proportion after filtering
sum(ad.filter == 0)/(nrow(ad.filter) * ncol(ad.filter))
## [1] 0.3806638
After filtering, 231 OTUs remained, and the proportion of zeroes decreased from 63% to 38%.
Note: The PreFL()
function is only dedicated to raw counts, rather than
relative abundance data. We also recommend to start the pre-filtering on raw
counts, rather than relative abundance data to mitigate the compositionality
Prior to CLR transformation, we recommend adding 1 as the offset for the data
(e.g., \(\color{blue}{\text{AD data}}\)) that are raw count data, and 0.01 as
the offset for the data that are relative abundance data. We use
function in \(\color{orange}{\text{mixOmics}}\) package to
CLR transform the data.
ad.clr <- logratio.transfo(X = ad.filter, logratio = 'CLR', offset = 1)
class(ad.clr) = 'matrix'
We apply pca()
function from \(\color{orange}{\text{mixOmics}}\) package to
the \(\color{blue}{\text{AD data}}\) and Scatter_Density()
function from
\(\color{orange}{\text{PLSDAbatch}}\) to represent the PCA sample plot with
# AD data
ad.pca.before <- pca(ad.clr, ncomp = 3, scale = TRUE)
Scatter_Density(object = ad.pca.before, batch = ad.batch, trt = ad.trt,
title = 'AD data', trt.legend.title = 'Phenol conc.')
Figure 1: The PCA sample plot with densities in the AD data
In the above figure, we observed 1) the distinction between samples treated with different phenol concentrations and 2) the differences between samples sequenced at “14/04/2016”, “21/09/2017” and the other dates. Therefore, the batch effect related to dates needs to be removed.
We first identify the top OTU driving the major variance in PCA using
in \(\color{orange}{\text{mixOmics}}\) package. Each identified
OTU can then be plotted as boxplots and density plots using box_plot()
in \(\color{orange}{\text{PLSDAbatch}}\). <- selectVar(ad.pca.before, comp = 1)$name[1]
ad.OTU_batch <- data.frame(value = ad.clr[,], batch = ad.batch)
box_plot(df = ad.OTU_batch, title = paste(, '(AD data)'),
x.angle = 30)
Figure 2: Boxplots of sample values in “OTU28” before batch effect correction in the AD data
density_plot(df = ad.OTU_batch, title = paste(, '(AD data)'))
Figure 3: Density plots of sample values in “OTU28” before batch effect correction in the AD data
The boxplot and density plot indicated a strong date batch effect because of the differences between “14/04/2016”, “21/09/2017” and the other dates in the “OTU28”.
We also apply a linear regression model to the “OTU28” using linear_regres()
from \(\color{orange}{\text{PLSDAbatch}}\) with batch and treatment effects as
covariates. We set “14/04/2016” and “21/09/2017” as the reference batch
respectively with relevel()
from \(\color{orange}{\text{stats}}\).
# reference batch: 14/04/2016
ad.batch <- relevel(x = ad.batch, ref = '14/04/2016')
ad.OTU.lm <- linear_regres(data = ad.clr[,],
trt = ad.trt, batch.fix = ad.batch,
type = 'linear model')
## Call:
## lm(formula = data[, i] ~ trt + batch.fix)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.9384 -0.3279 0.1635 0.3849 0.9887
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 0.8501 0.2196 3.871 0.000243 ***
## trt1-2 -1.6871 0.1754 -9.617 2.27e-14 ***
## batch.fix09/04/2015 1.5963 0.2950 5.410 8.55e-07 ***
## batch.fix01/07/2016 2.0839 0.2345 8.886 4.82e-13 ***
## batch.fix14/11/2016 1.7405 0.2480 7.018 1.24e-09 ***
## batch.fix21/09/2017 1.2646 0.2690 4.701 1.28e-05 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.7033 on 69 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.7546, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7368
## F-statistic: 42.44 on 5 and 69 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
# reference batch: 21/09/2017
ad.batch <- relevel(x = ad.batch, ref = '21/09/2017')
ad.OTU.lm <- linear_regres(data = ad.clr[,],
trt = ad.trt, batch.fix = ad.batch,
type = 'linear model')
## Call:
## lm(formula = data[, i] ~ trt + batch.fix)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.9384 -0.3279 0.1635 0.3849 0.9887
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 2.1147 0.2502 8.453 2.97e-12 ***
## trt1-2 -1.6871 0.1754 -9.617 2.27e-14 ***
## batch.fix14/04/2016 -1.2646 0.2690 -4.701 1.28e-05 ***
## batch.fix09/04/2015 0.3317 0.3139 1.056 0.29446
## batch.fix01/07/2016 0.8193 0.2573 3.185 0.00218 **
## batch.fix14/11/2016 0.4759 0.2705 1.760 0.08292 .
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.7033 on 69 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.7546, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7368
## F-statistic: 42.44 on 5 and 69 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
From the results of linear regression, we observed P < 0.001 for the regression coefficients associated with all the other batches when the reference batch was “14/04/2016”, which confirmed the difference between the samples from batch “14/04/2016” and the other samples as observed from previous plots. When the reference batch was “21/09/2017”, we also observed significant differences between batch “21/09/2017” and “14/04/2016”, between “21/09/2017” and “01/07/2016”. Therefore, the batch effect because of “21/09/2017” also exists.
We produce a heatmap using \(\color{orange}{\text{pheatmap}}\) package. The data first need to be scaled on both OTUs and samples.
# scale the clr data on both OTUs and samples
ad.clr.s <- scale(ad.clr, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE) <- scale(t(ad.clr.s), center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
ad.anno_col <- data.frame(Batch = ad.batch, Treatment = ad.trt)
ad.anno_colors <- list(Batch = color.mixo(seq_len(5)),
Treatment = pb_color(seq_len(2)))
names(ad.anno_colors$Batch) = levels(ad.batch)
names(ad.anno_colors$Treatment) = levels(ad.trt)
cluster_rows = FALSE,
fontsize_row = 4,
fontsize_col = 6,
fontsize = 8,
clustering_distance_rows = 'euclidean',
clustering_method = 'ward.D',
treeheight_row = 30,
annotation_col = ad.anno_col,
annotation_colors = ad.anno_colors,
border_color = 'NA',
main = 'AD data - Scaled')