
1 Exploration and simple univariate measures

path <- file.choose()    # look for BRFSS-subset.csv
brfss <- read.csv(path)

1.1 Clean data

R read Year as an integer value, but it’s really a factor

brfss$Year <- factor(brfss$Year)

1.2 Weight in 1990 vs. 2010 Females

Create a subset of the data

brfssFemale <- brfss[brfss$Sex == "Female",]
##       Age            Weight           Sex            Height        Year     
##  Min.   :18.00   Min.   : 36.29   Female:12039   Min.   :105.0   1990:5718  
##  1st Qu.:37.00   1st Qu.: 57.61   Male  :    0   1st Qu.:157.5   2010:6321  
##  Median :52.00   Median : 65.77                  Median :163.0              
##  Mean   :51.92   Mean   : 69.05                  Mean   :163.3              
##  3rd Qu.:67.00   3rd Qu.: 77.11                  3rd Qu.:168.0              
##  Max.   :99.00   Max.   :272.16                  Max.   :200.7              
##  NA's   :103     NA's   :560                     NA's   :140


plot(Weight ~ Year, brfssFemale)

Statistical test

t.test(Weight ~ Year, brfssFemale)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  Weight by Year
## t = -27.133, df = 11079, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -8.723607 -7.548102
## sample estimates:
## mean in group 1990 mean in group 2010 
##           64.81838           72.95424

1.3 Weight and height in 2010 Males

Create a subset of the data

brfss2010Male <- subset(brfss,  Year == 2010 & Sex == "Male")
##       Age            Weight           Sex           Height      Year     
##  Min.   :18.00   Min.   : 36.29   Female:   0   Min.   :135   1990:   0  
##  1st Qu.:45.00   1st Qu.: 77.11   Male  :3679   1st Qu.:173   2010:3679  
##  Median :57.00   Median : 86.18                 Median :178              
##  Mean   :56.25   Mean   : 88.85                 Mean   :178              
##  3rd Qu.:68.00   3rd Qu.: 99.79                 3rd Qu.:183              
##  Max.   :99.00   Max.   :278.96                 Max.   :218              
##  NA's   :30      NA's   :49                     NA's   :31

Visualize the relationship



plot(Weight ~ Height, brfss2010Male)

Fit a linear model (regression)

fit <- lm(Weight ~ Height, brfss2010Male)
## Call:
## lm(formula = Weight ~ Height, data = brfss2010Male)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)       Height  
##    -86.8747       0.9873

Summarize as ANOVA table

## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: Weight
##             Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
## Height       1  197664  197664   693.8 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Residuals 3617 1030484     285                      
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Plot points, superpose fitted regression line; where am I?

plot(Weight ~ Height, brfss2010Male)
abline(fit, col="blue", lwd=2)
points(180, 88, col="red", cex=4, pch=20)

Class and available ‘methods’

class(fit)                 # 'noun'
methods(class=class(fit))  # 'verb'



2 Multivariate analysis

This is a classic microarray experiment. Microarrays consist of ‘probesets’ that interogate genes for their level of expression. In the experiment we’re looking at, there are 12625 probesets measured on each of the 128 samples. The raw expression levels estimated by microarray assays require considerable pre-processing, the data we’ll work with has been pre-processed.

2.1 Input and setup

Start by finding the expression data file on disk.

path <- file.choose()          # look for ALL-expression.csv

The data is stored in ‘comma-separate value’ format, with each probeset occupying a line, and the expression value for each sample in that probeset separated by a comma. Input the data using read.csv(). There are three challenges:

  1. The row names are present in the first column of the data. Tell R this by adding the argument row.names=1 to read.csv().
  2. By default, R checks that column names do not look like numbers, but our column names do look like numbers. Use the argument check.colnames=FALSE to over-ride R’s default.
  3. read.csv() returns a data.frame. We could use a data.frame to work with our data, but really it is a matrix() – the columns are of the same type and measure the same thing. Use as.matrix() to coerce the data.frame we input to a matrix.
exprs <- read.csv(path, row.names=1, check.names=FALSE)
exprs <- as.matrix(exprs)
## [1] "matrix"
## [1] 12625   128
exprs[1:6, 1:10]
##              01005     01010    03002    04006    04007     04008     04010
## 1000_at   7.597323  7.479445 7.567593 7.384684 7.905312  7.065914  7.474537
## 1001_at   5.046194  4.932537 4.799294 4.922627 4.844565  5.147762  5.122518
## 1002_f_at 3.900466  4.208155 3.886169 4.206798 3.416923  3.945869  4.150506
## 1003_s_at 5.903856  6.169024 5.860459 6.116890 5.687997  6.208061  6.292713
## 1004_at   5.925260  5.912780 5.893209 6.170245 5.615210  5.923487  6.046607
## 1005_at   8.570990 10.428299 9.616713 9.937155 9.983809 10.063484 10.662059
##               04016    06002     08001
## 1000_at    7.536119 7.183331  7.735545
## 1001_at    5.016132 5.288943  4.633217
## 1002_f_at  3.576360 3.900935  3.630190
## 1003_s_at  5.665991 5.842326  5.875375
## 1004_at    5.738218 5.994515  5.748350
## 1005_at   11.269115 8.812869 10.165159
## [1]  1.984919 14.126571

We’ll make use of the data describing the samples

path <- file.choose()         # look for ALL-phenoData.csv
pdata <- read.csv(path, row.names=1)
## [1] "data.frame"
## [1] 128  21
##        cod diagnosis sex age BT remission CR t.4.11. t.9.22.
## 01005 1005 5/21/1997   M  53 B2        CR CR  8/6/1997   FALSE    TRUE
## 01010 1010 3/29/2000   M  19 B2        CR CR 6/27/2000   FALSE   FALSE
## 03002 3002 6/24/1998   F  52 B4        CR CR 8/17/1998      NA      NA
## 04006 4006 7/17/1997   M  38 B1        CR CR  9/8/1997    TRUE   FALSE
## 04007 4007 7/22/1997   M  57 B2        CR CR 9/17/1997   FALSE   FALSE
## 04008 4008 7/30/1997   M  17 B1        CR CR 9/27/1997   FALSE   FALSE
##       cyto.normal        citog mol.biol fusion.protein mdr   kinet   ccr
## 01005       FALSE      t(9;22)  BCR/ABL           p210 NEG dyploid FALSE
## 01010       FALSE  simple alt.      NEG           <NA> POS dyploid FALSE
## 03002          NA         <NA>  BCR/ABL           p190 NEG dyploid FALSE
## 04006       FALSE      t(4;11) ALL1/AF4           <NA> NEG dyploid FALSE
## 04007       FALSE      del(6q)      NEG           <NA> NEG dyploid FALSE
## 04008       FALSE complex alt.      NEG           <NA> NEG hyperd. FALSE
##       relapse transplant               f.u date.last.seen
## 01005   FALSE       TRUE BMT / DEATH IN CR           <NA>
## 01010    TRUE      FALSE               REL      8/28/2000
## 03002    TRUE      FALSE               REL     10/15/1999
## 04006    TRUE      FALSE               REL      1/23/1998
## 04007    TRUE      FALSE               REL      11/4/1997
## 04008    TRUE      FALSE               REL     12/15/1997

Some of the results below involve plots, and it’s convenient to choose pretty and functional colors. We use the RColorBrewer package; see

library(RColorBrewer)  ## not available? install package via RStudio
highlight <- brewer.pal(3, "Set2")[1:2]

`highlight’ is a vector of length 2, light and dark green.

For more options see ?RColorBrewer and to view the predefined palettes display.brewer.all()

2.2 Cleaning

We’ll add a column to pdata, derived from the BT column, to indicate whether the sample is B-cell or T-cell ALL.

pdata$BorT <- factor(substr(pdata$BT, 1, 1))

Microarray expression data is usually represented as a matrix of genes as rows and samples as columns. Statisticians usually think of their data as samples as rows, features as columns. So we’ll transpose the expression values

exprs <- t(exprs)

Confirm that the pdata rows correspond to the exprs rows.

stopifnot(identical(rownames(pdata), rownames(exprs)))

2.3 Unsupervised machine learning – multi-dimensional scaling

Reduce high-dimensional data to lower dimension for visualization.

Calculate distance between samples (requires that the expression matrix be transposed).

d <- dist(exprs)

Use the cmdscale() function to summarize the distance matrix into two points in two dimensions.

cmd <- cmdscale(d)

Visualize the result, coloring points by B- or T-cell status

plot(cmd, col=highlight[pdata$BorT])