Setting Up

First we will need to get some R packages from the local repository (At home we can just use biocLite to install those).

install.packages(c("h5vc", "h5vcData"))
install.packages("BSgenome.Hsapiens.NCBI.GRCh38") # We need this genome to define our reference, you should use a genome that corresponds to the bam files you want to use

Typically an HDF5 tally file will store the nucleotide tally data and the accompanying sample data and the functions for plotting defined in the h5vc package are. If we do not want to create an HDF5 file representation of our data, we can define a new function that makes sure that the data and sample data are present in the correct format.

First we load the required packages, h5vc for plotting and BSgenome.Hsapiens.NCBI.GRCh38 to provide the reference genome sequence. We use BSgenome.Hsapiens.NCBI.GRCh38 because the example .bam files that I will use here are aligned against that revision of the human reference genome. You should use an appropriate genome object here, e.g. if you want to work in Arabidopsis Thaliana instead you would maybe use the BSgenome.Athaliana.TAIR.TAIR9 package instead.


Next we find our example data .bam files and create a sampleData object that is simply a data.frame describing the samples we want to work with.

files <- list.files( system.file("extdata", package = "h5vcData"), "Pt.*bam$" )
bamFiles <- file.path( system.file("extdata", package = "h5vcData"), files)

sampleData <- data.frame(
  SampleFiles = files,
  Sample = sapply(strsplit(files, split = "\\."), function(x) x[1]),
  Type = rep(c("Case", "Control"), length(files)/2),
  Column = seq(length(files)),
  Patient = substr(files, 1, 4),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE #Silly, but important to get the track labels right

##        SampleFiles      Sample    Type Column Patient
## 1   Pt10Cancer.bam  Pt10Cancer    Case      1    Pt10
## 2  Pt10Control.bam Pt10Control Control      2    Pt10
## 3   Pt17Cancer.bam  Pt17Cancer    Case      3    Pt17
## 4  Pt17Control.bam Pt17Control Control      4    Pt17
## 5   Pt18Cancer.bam  Pt18Cancer    Case      5    Pt18
## 6  Pt18Control.bam Pt18Control Control      6    Pt18
## 7   Pt20Cancer.bam  Pt20Cancer    Case      7    Pt20
## 8  Pt20Control.bam Pt20Control Control      8    Pt20
## 9   Pt23Cancer.bam  Pt23Cancer    Case      9    Pt23
## 10 Pt23Control.bam Pt23Control Control     10    Pt23
## 11  Pt25Cancer.bam  Pt25Cancer    Case     11    Pt25
## 12 Pt25Control.bam Pt25Control Control     12    Pt25

Defining the plotting function

Finally we define the plotBAMs function that will take a GRanges object describing the genomic intervals we want to plot, the list of .bam files, the sampleData object and the reference object (that will be BSgenome.Hsapiens.NCBI.GRCh38 in our case).

plotBAMs <- function( ranges, bamFiles, sampleData, reference){
  theData <- tallyRanges( bamFiles, ranges = ranges, reference = reference )
  for( idx in seq(length(ranges))){ # This is needed since we dont use HDF5 to store the data
    theData[[idx]]$h5dapplyInfo <- list( Blockstart = start(ranges[idx]), Blockend = end(ranges[idx]))
    theData, sampleData

Creating plots of example data for the DNMT3A gene

Here we define the genomic ranges we will want to plot, they correspond to exons of the DNMT3A gene in our example. The GRanges should come from a VCF file with variant calls when we want to visualise variant calls, but for the sake of this example the DNMT3A exons will suffice.

dnmt3a <- read.table(system.file("extdata", "dnmt3a.txt", package = "h5vcData"), header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dnmt3a <- with( dnmt3a, GRanges(seqname, ranges = IRanges(start = start, end = end)))
dnmt3a <- reduce(dnmt3a)
## GRanges object with 29 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
##        seqnames               ranges strand
##           <Rle>            <IRanges>  <Rle>
##    [1]        2 [25227855, 25234420]      *
##    [2]        2 [25235706, 25235825]      *
##    [3]        2 [25236930, 25237005]      *
##    [4]        2 [25239130, 25239215]      *
##    [5]        2 [25239315, 25239513]      *
##    ...      ...                  ...    ...
##   [25]        2 [25300139, 25300243]      *
##   [26]        2 [25313913, 25314161]      *
##   [27]        2 [25328633, 25328744]      *
##   [28]        2 [25341826, 25341885]      *
##   [29]        2 [25342430, 25342590]      *
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

Let’s plot some DNMT3A exons (2,3 and 4) in the first 4 samples (the object Hsapiens is defined in the BSgenome.Hsapiens.NCBI.GRCh38 package and contains the genomic reference sequence2):

p <- plotBAMs(
  ranges = dnmt3a[2:4],
  bamFiles = bamFiles[1:4],
  sampleData = sampleData[1:4,],
  reference = Hsapiens

p is a ggplot object, so we can modify how it looks by adding theme commands and so on:

print(p + theme(text = element_text(colour = "hotpink")))